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Disk hibernation? Yes or no?


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Build a new hardware setup, using 3 disks in total. 2 in SHR and one single. Two volumes in total.

The single drive I use for downloads, Cloud Sync, Plex video etc.


I now use disk hibernation set to default 20 min. DSM logs show disk become active every 30 minutes. So sleep is only 10 minutes.



What is likely cause for waking every 30 minutes, without file tranfers or manual actions?

Will all drives wake every time, or can this also be just one of the disks?

Does it make sense to keep using disk hibernation or will it just wear the disk?


Obviously hibernation is used to save energy and prolong disk life....but does it?

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All disks wake up, if there is any activity. And they will wake up for anything really (if you have mapped drive in My Computer, they will wake up when you open My computer, etc). I used hibernation for a few days, but then disabled it and since I have disks on 24-7.


If you access NAS rarely, then hibernation would kinda make sense. But if you use it daily, then I think it's not really helping (you have to take into consideration the wear of HDDs because of spin up/down and higher power consumption for spinning up.

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