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TinyCore RedPill Loader Build Support Tool ( M-Shell )

Peter Suh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have been reviewing the script a bit and it seems that it has a bug in the DS2422+ model


When executing ./myv.sh DS2422+J (or DS2422+) the process does not detect the disk tree when running, it should execute something like:


./rploader.sh patchdtc ${TARGET_PLATFORM}-7.1.0-${TARGET_REVISION}


and the output should return (example ds1621+) :


Found 2 disks and 1 nvme
Collecting disk paths
Found local disk sda with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 1 with portnumber 5
Found local disk sdb with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 2 with portnumber 8
Collecting nvme paths
Found local nvme nvme0n1 with path 40:01.1,00.0, adding into m2_card 1
Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in 4-2 port
Converting dts file : ds1621p.dts to dtb file : >ds1621p.dtb
Copying patched dtb file ds1621p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/


This causes that when restarting it does not detect any drive


I think it has to do with the ds2422p.dts file not being found, I've done some testing with ds1621p.dts and changing the name but it doesn't work.

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1 hour ago, Agente Zeth said:

Hello, I have been reviewing the script a bit and it seems that it has a bug in the DS2422+ model


When executing ./myv.sh DS2422+J (or DS2422+) the process does not detect the disk tree when running, it should execute something like:


./rploader.sh patchdtc ${TARGET_PLATFORM}-7.1.0-${TARGET_REVISION}


and the output should return (example ds1621+) :


Found 2 disks and 1 nvme
Collecting disk paths
Found local disk sda with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 1 with portnumber 5
Found local disk sdb with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 2 with portnumber 8
Collecting nvme paths
Found local nvme nvme0n1 with path 40:01.1,00.0, adding into m2_card 1
Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in 4-2 port
Converting dts file : ds1621p.dts to dtb file : >ds1621p.dtb
Copying patched dtb file ds1621p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/


This causes that when restarting it does not detect any drive


I think it has to do with the ds2422p.dts file not being found, I've done some testing with ds1621p.dts and changing the name but it doesn't work.



M SHELL is originally designed to automatically find a disk and do DT (Device Tree) mapping.


However, if this automatic mapping fails for some reason, there is a function that can proceed by manually writing the dts file.


It requires some ability to use the vi editor.


For the contents of the ds2422p.dts file, please refer to the ds1621p.dts file and prepare in advance.


You can get help from a series of operations that create ds2422p.dts with the command below and copy it to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/ .


./my.sh DS2422+ userdts


The related usage has already been described on page 1.



Edited by Peter Suh
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4 hours ago, Peter Suh said:



M SHELL is originally designed to automatically find a disk and do DT (Device Tree) mapping.


However, if this automatic mapping fails for some reason, there is a function that can proceed by manually writing the dts file.


It requires some ability to use the vi editor.


For the contents of the ds2422p.dts file, please refer to the ds1621p.dts file and prepare in advance.


You can get help from a series of operations that create ds2422p.dts with the command below and copy it to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/ .


./my.sh DS2422+ userdts


The related usage has already been described on page 1.



Hello I am going to try your recommendation, which is curious to me that the problem only happens with that model (DS2422+), if I execute for example:


./my.sh DS1621+J


It works without problem, it detects the 12 units and even the m2

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8 hours ago, Agente Zeth said:

Hello I am going to try your recommendation, which is curious to me that the problem only happens with that model (DS2422+), if I execute for example:


./my.sh DS1621+J


It works without problem, it detects the 12 units and even the m2


Both Jot Mode / Jun Mode have been introduced to use the new dtbpatch ext from ARPL fabio.
You only need to focus on v1000 42661,42218 / ds2422p 42661,42218 .





If so, it is the conclusion that dtbpatch of fabio does not work correctly only in ds2422+.


Assuming that DS2422 is built as below in Jun mode,

Can you send me the junior log?

./my.sh DS2422+J


The junior log can be captured as below.


If you can access the DSM installation request screen with ttyd as below,
Then send me the log with the command you see.


You must use a web browser.


id : root / pw : ( no password )


cat /var/log/*rc*

ls -l /sys/block

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On 8/30/2022 at 9:52 PM, Peter Suh said:


Both Jot Mode / Jun Mode have been introduced to use the new dtbpatch ext from ARPL fabio.
You only need to focus on v1000 42661,42218 / ds2422p 42661,42218 .





If so, it is the conclusion that dtbpatch of fabio does not work correctly only in ds2422+.


Assuming that DS2422 is built as below in Jun mode,

Can you send me the junior log?

./my.sh DS2422+J


The junior log can be captured as below.


If you can access the DSM installation request screen with ttyd as below,
Then send me the log with the command you see.


You must use a web browser.


id : root / pw : ( no password )


cat /var/log/*rc*

ls -l /sys/block



HiI had already done the test of generating the dts referencing ds1621p.dts, but I still have the same result (it shows the message that it is not loaded in the cache, but it makes the copy) Attached the output log



tc@box:~$ ./my.sh DS2422+ userdts
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer mshell version exists on the repo -> Version is current
MODEL is DS2422+
Multi-argument input variable assignment mapping

tcrppart is sdl3

making link /home/tc/custom-module

Downloading fabio's v1000 4.4.180 redpill.ko ...
######################################################################### 100.0%
gzip: /home/tc/custom-module/rp-v1000-4.4.180-prod.ko: Operation not permitted

SYNOMODEL is ds2422p_42661
If fullupgrade is required, please handle it separately.
Downloading Peter Suh's custom configuration files..................
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%

This is TCRP original jot mode
user-define dts file make in progress...

copy and paste user dts contents here, press any key to continue...

press any key to continue...

Backup in progress...

Please make sure you are using the latest 1GB img before using backup option
Current /home/tc size is 2.4M , try to keep it less than 1GB as it might not fit                                      into your image
Should i update the sdl with your current files [Yy/Nn]
Backing up home files to sdl : Backing up files to /mnt/sdl3//mydata.tgz

tc@box:~$ ./my.sh DS2422+J realmac
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer mshell version exists on the repo -> Version is current
MODEL is DS2422+
Multi-argument input variable assignment mapping

tcrppart is sdl3

Downloading fabio's v1000 4.4.180 redpill.ko ...
######################################################################### 100.0%
gzip: /home/tc/custom-module/rp-v1000-4.4.180-prod.ko: Operation not permitted

SYNOMODEL is ds2422p_42218
If fullupgrade is required, please handle it separately.
Downloading Peter Suh's custom configuration files..................
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%
######################################################################### 100.0%

This is TCRP jumkey's jun mode

Before changing user_config.json
  "extra_cmdline": {
    "mac2": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "netif_num": "2",
    "pid": "0x5583",
    "vid": "0x0781",
    "sn": "2080S7RDBTYTQ",
    "mac1": "7085C2A5E2AB",
    "SataPortMap": "58",
    "DiskIdxMap": "0A00"
  "synoinfo": {
    "internalportcfg": "0xffff",
    "maxdisks": "16",
    "support_bde_internal_10g": "no",
    "support_disk_compatibility": "no",
    "support_memory_compatibility": "no"
  "ramdisk_copy": {}
Serial Number for Model : 2080S7RAVRERT
Mac Address for Model DS2422+ : 00:11:32:1D:55:17
Real Mac Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Notice : realmac option is requested, real mac will be used
Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn]
Two or more Ethernet Interface was detected!! 2
Add mac2 automatically.

Real Mac2 Address : xxxxxxxxxxxx
Notice : realmac option is requested, real mac2 will be used
Mac2 Address for Model DS2422+ : 70:85:C2:A5:E2:AD
The Mac2 address : XXXXXXXXXX already exists. Change an existing value.
After changing user_config.json
  "extra_cmdline": {
    "mac2": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
    "netif_num": "2",
    "pid": "0x5583",
    "vid": "0x0781",
    "sn": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "mac1": "7085C2A5E2AB",
    "SataPortMap": "58",
    "DiskIdxMap": "0A00"
  "synoinfo": {
    "internalportcfg": "0xffff",
    "maxdisks": "16",
    "support_bde_internal_10g": "no",
    "support_disk_compatibility": "no",
    "support_memory_compatibility": "no"
  "ramdisk_copy": {}
Found USB SanDisk SerialNumber: 040104e26ed9991eb0a4a884232ee43972119cf067744e5d                                     88c7ea7fd0068f7495bc00000000000000000000f8c7506600946c1883558107172cde54
Vendor ID : 0x0781 Product ID : 0x5583
Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn]
Device Tree based model does not need SataPortMap setting....

DSM PAT file pre-downloading in progress...
https://global.download.synology.com/download/DSM/release/7.0.1/42218/DSM_DS2422                                     +_42218.pat
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  341M  100  341M    0     0  10.6M      0  0:00:31  0:00:31 --:--:-- 10.0M
Pat file  sha256sum is : 415c54934d483a2557500bc3a2e74588a0cec1266e1f0d9a82a7d3a                                     ace002471
verifyid  sha256sum is : 415c54934d483a2557500bc3a2e74588a0cec1266e1f0d9a82a7d3a                                     ace002471
pat file sha256sum is OK !

Loader Building in progress...

bspatch does not exist, bringing over from repo
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 10232  100 10232    0     0  73611      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 74144
Rploader Version :
Loader source : https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load.git Loader Branch :                                      master
Redpill module source : https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-lkm.git : Redpill mo                                     dule branch : master
Extensions :   redpill-dtb-static
Extensions URL : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/re                                     dpill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json",
"https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redpill-misc/rpext-index                                     .json"
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.v10                                     00-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : 6108f9f7b7f0a13ee985314aef9419303375ab7ded4112be991590339b66ecd1
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology%20NAS%20G                                     PL%20Source/25426branch/v1000-source/linux-4.4.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : d3e85eb80f16a83244fcae6016ab6783cd8ac55e3af2b4240455261396e1e1b                                     e
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : ds2422p
MODULE_ALIAS_FILE :  modules.alias.4.json
SYNOMODEL : ds2422p_42218
MODEL : DS2422+
Local Cache Folder : /mnt/sdl3/auxfiles
DATE Internet : 01092022 Local : 31082022
ERROR ! System DATE is not correct
Downloading ntpclient to assist
Connecting to repo.tinycorelinux.net (
saving to 'ntpclient.tcz'
ntpclient.tcz        100% |********************************| 12288  0:00:00 ETA
'ntpclient.tcz' saved
Current time after communicating with NTP server pool.ntp.org :  Thu Sep  1 06:1                                     3:49 UTC 2022
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Cloning into 'redpill-lkm'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1317, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (389/389), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (66/66), done.
remote: Total 1317 (delta 334), reused 335 (delta 310), pack-reused 928
Receiving objects: 100% (1317/1317), 484.29 KiB | 2.15 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (897/897), done.
Cloning into 'redpill-load'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2753, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (404/404), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (227/227), done.
remote: Total 2753 (delta 200), reused 368 (delta 169), pack-reused 2349
Receiving objects: 100% (2753/2753), 47.49 MiB | 10.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1329/1329), done.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Found custom redpill module. Use this instead...
Got redpill-linux-v4.4.180+.ko
Testing modules.alias.4.json -> File OK
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     ----------------
It looks that you will need the following modules :

Found SATA Controller : pciid 1022d000043b6  Required Extension :
No matching extension
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-e                                     xt/master/atlantic/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/atlantic/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ne                                     w_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%
[#] ========================================== PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic ============                                     ==============================
[#] Extension name: atlantic
[#] Description: Adds Marvell (Aquantia) Corporation(R) Network Driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/tree/main/a                                     tlantic
[#] Software author: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/atla                                     ntic/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42218 ds920p_42661                                      ds918p_42661 ds1621p_42661 dva3221_42218 ds1621xsp_42661 ds3615xs_42661 ds3622x                                     sp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_42218 ds2422p_4                                     2218 dva3221_42621 rs3618xs_42218 fs2500_42661 ds1520p_42218 rs4021xsp_42218 dva                                     3219_42218 ds3617xs_42661 ds920p_42218 rs3618xs_42661 dva1622_42661 ds918p_42218                                      dva3219_42661 ds1621xsp_42218 ds3615xs_42218 ds1520p_42661 rs4021xsp_42661 fs25                                     00_42218
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 1d6ad000007b1 Required Extension : atlantic
Searching for matching extension for atlantic
Found matching extension :
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/atlantic/rpext-inde                                     x.json"
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-e                                     xt/master/igb/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/igb/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext                                     _index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%
[#] ========================================== PeterSuh-Q3.igb =================                                     =========================
[#] Extension name: igb
[#] Description: Adds Intel(R) Gigabit Ethernet Network Driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/tree/main/i                                     gb
[#] Software author: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/igb/                                     rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42218 ds920p_42661                                      ds918p_42661 ds1621p_42661 dva3221_42218 ds1621xsp_42661 ds3615xs_42661 ds3622x                                     sp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_42218 ds2422p_4                                     2218 dva3221_42621 rs3618xs_42218 fs2500_42661 ds1520p_42218 rs4021xsp_42218 dva                                     3219_42218 ds3617xs_42661 ds920p_42218 rs3618xs_42661 dva1622_42661 ds918p_42218                                      dva3219_42661 ds1621xsp_42218 ds3615xs_42218 ds1520p_42661 rs4021xsp_42661 fs25                                     00_42218
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 8086d00001539 Required Extension : igb
Searching for matching extension for igb
Found matching extension :
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/igb/rpext-index.jso                                     n"
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-e                                     xt/master/igb/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/igb/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext                                     _index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%

[!] Extension is already added (index exists at /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/ext                                     ensions/PeterSuh-Q3.igb/PeterSuh-Q3.igb.json). For more info use "ext-manager.sh                                      info PeterSuh-Q3.igb"

*** Process will exit ***
Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 8086d00001539 Required Extension : igb
Searching for matching extension for igb
Found matching extension :
"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/igb/rpext-index.jso                                     n"
Found SATA Controller : pciid 1b21d00001166  Required Extension :
No matching extension
Found SATA Controller : pciid 1022d00007901  Required Extension :
No matching extension
Found VGA Controller : pciid 10ded0000100a  Required Extension :
No matching extension
Found SATA Controller : pciid 1022d00007901  Required Extension :
No matching extension
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     ----------------
Starting loader creation
Found tinycore cache folder, linking to home/tc/custom-module
Checking user_config.json : Done
Entering redpill-load directory
Removing bundled exts directories
bsdiff binary was not downloaded
Cache directory OK
Processing add_extensions entries found on custom_config.json file :   redpill-d                                     tb-static
Adding extension "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/re                                     dpill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json",
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-e                                     xt/master/redpill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/exte                                     nsions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] ========================================== redpill-dtb-static ==============                                     ============================
[#] Extension name: Device tree binary
[#] Description: Create your own device tree binary
[#] To get help visit: https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpil                                     l-dtb
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develo                                     p/redpill-dtb
[#] Software author: https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-                                     dtb
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext/master/redp                                     ill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 ds920p_42661 ds1621p_42661 ds2422p_42661                                      rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_42218 ds2422p_42218 ds1520p_42218 ds920p_42218 dva1622                                     _42661 ds1520p_42661
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

Adding extension "https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redpill                                     -misc/rpext-index.json"
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/ma                                     ster/redpill-misc/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-misc/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new                                     _ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] ========================================== redpill-misc ====================                                     ======================
[#] Extension name: Misc shell
[#] Description: Misc shell
[#] To get help visit: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/re                                     dpill-misc
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/m                                     aster/redpill-misc
[#] Software author: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redp                                     ill-misc
[#] Update URL: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redpill-m                                     isc/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42218 ds920p_42661                                      ds918p_42661 ds1621p_42661 dva3221_42218 ds1621xsp_42661 ds3615xs_42661 ds3622x                                     sp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_42218 ds2422p_4                                     2218 fs2500_42661 rs3618xs_42218 ds1520p_42218 rs4021xsp_42218 dva3219_42218 ds3                                     617xs_42661 ds920p_42218 rs3618xs_42661 dva1622_42661 ds918p_42218 dva3219_42661                                      ds1621xsp_42218 ds3615xs_42218 ds1520p_42661 rs4021xsp_42661 fs2500_42218
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

Updating extension : redpill-dtb-static contents for model : ds2422p_42218
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating ds2422p_42218 platforms extensions...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custo                                     m/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension redpill-dtb-static platform                                      ds2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/install_rd.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custo                                     m/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/install_rd.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/install_rd.sh file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/install.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/e                                     xtensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/install.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/install.sh file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/model_ds920p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/cu                                     stom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_ds920p.dtb
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/model_ds920p.dtb file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/model_ds1520p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/c                                     ustom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_ds1520p.dtb
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/model_ds1520p.dtb file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/model_ds1621p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/c                                     ustom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_ds1621p.dtb
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/model_ds1621p.dtb file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/model_ds2422p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/c                                     ustom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_ds2422p.dtb
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/model_ds2422p.dtb file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/model_dva1622.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/c                                     ustom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_dva1622.dtb
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/model_dva1622.dtb file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/releases/dtc to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensio                                     ns/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/dtc
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/dtc file...  [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension redpill-dtb-static platform ds24                                     22p_42218
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p                                     _42218/dtc file...  [OK]
Updating extension : redpill-misc contents for model : ds2422p_42218
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating ds2422p_42218 platforms extensions...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/                                     _ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension redpill-misc platform ds242                                     2p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/releases/install.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/red                                     pill-misc/ds2422p_42218/install.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218                                     /install.sh file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/releases/install-all.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions                                     /redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218/install-all.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218                                     /install-all.sh file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/tsl0922/ttyd/releases/download/1.                                     6.3/ttyd.x86_64 to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_                                     42218/ttyd
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218                                     /ttyd file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/releases/install_rd.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/                                     redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218/install_rd.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218                                     /install_rd.sh file...  [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/releases/lrzsz.tar.gz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/r                                     edpill-misc/ds2422p_42218/lrzsz.tar.gz
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds2422p_42218                                     /lrzsz.tar.gz file...  [OK]
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds                                     2422p_42218/lrzsz.tar.gz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc                                     /ds2422p_42218/...  [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension redpill-misc platform ds2422p_42                                     218
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc/ds                                     2422p_42218/lrzsz.tar.gz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/redpill-misc                                     /ds2422p_42218/...  [OK]
For user define dts file instaed of dtbpatch ext
Protocol spec without prior Class and Subclass spec at line 23281
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  5598  100  5598    0     0  30423      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 30423
Downloading dtc binary
######################################################################### 100.0%
Found locally cached dts file ds2422p.dts and dtb file does not exist in cache,                                      converting dts to dtb
Fould locally cached dtb file
OK copying over the cached dtb file
Copying patched dtb file ds2422p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/                                     redpill-dtb-static/ds2422p_42218/model_ds2422p.dtb -> OK ! File copied and verif                                     ied !
jun build option has been specified, so JUN MOD loader will be created
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating extensions...

[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/ma                                     ster/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions                                     /_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] ========================================== thethorgroup.boot-wait ==========                                     ================================
[#] Extension name: RedPill Bootwait
[#] Description: Simple extension which stops the execution early waiting for th                                     e boot device to appear
[#] To get help visit: https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait
[#] Update URL: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redpill-b                                     oot-wait/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42218 ds920p_42661                                      ds918p_42661 ds1621p_42661 dva3221_42218 ds1621xsp_42661 ds3615xs_42661 ds3622x                                     sp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_42218 ds2422p_4                                     2218 rs3618xs_42218 fs2500_42661 ds1520p_42218 rs4021xsp_42218 dva3219_42218 ds3                                     617xs_42661 ds920p_42218 rs3618xs_42661 dva1622_42661 ds918p_42218 dva3219_42661                                      ds1621xsp_42218 ds3615xs_42218 ds1520p_42661 rs4021xsp_42661 fs2500_42218
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/ma                                     ster/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_n                                     ew_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] ========================================== thethorgroup.virtio =============                                     =============================
[#] Extension name: VirtIO
[#] Description: Adds VirtIO support for fast network/PCI/SCSI/network/console p                                     aravirtualization under QEmu (Proxmox, VirtualBox, virsh, and similar)
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio
[#] Software author: https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Virtio
[#] Update URL: https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/master/redpill-v                                     irtio/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds1621p_42218 dva3221_42661 ds3617xs_42621 ds3617xs_422                                     18 ds920p_42661 ds918p_42661 ds1621p_42661 dva3221_42218 ds1621xsp_42661 ds3615x                                     s_42661 ds3622xsp_42661 ds2422p_42661 ds3622xsp_42218 rs3413xsp_42661 rs3413xsp_                                     42218 ds2422p_42218 rs3618xs_42218 fs2500_42661 ds1520p_42218 rs4021xsp_42218 dv                                     a3219_42218 ds3617xs_42661 ds3615xs_25556 ds920p_42218 rs3618xs_42661 dva1622_42                                     661 ds918p_42218 dva3219_42661 ds1621xsp_42218 ds3615xs_42218 ds1520p_42661 rs40                                     21xsp_42661 fs2500_42218
[#] ============================================================================                                     ===========

[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/atlantic/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ne                                     w_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic index is already up to date
[#] Updating PeterSuh-Q3.igb extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/igb/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext                                     _index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension PeterSuh-Q3.igb index is already up to date
[#] Updating redpill-dtb-static extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/exte                                     nsions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension redpill-dtb-static index is already up to date
[#] Updating redpill-misc extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-misc/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new                                     _ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension redpill-misc index is already up to date
[#] Updating thethorgroup.boot-wait extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions                                     /_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait index is already up to date
[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/redpill-load/raw/mast                                     er/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_n                                     ew_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio index is already up to date
[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [OK]
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating ds2422p_42218 platforms extensions...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/atlantic/releases/ds2422p_42218.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/ext                                     ensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%

[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic platfo                                     rm ds2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/ma                                     ster/atlantic/releases/atlantic-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/c                                     ustom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic/ds2422p_42218/atlantic-4.4.180plus-v1000.t                                     gz
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic/ds242                                     2p_42218/atlantic-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz file... [OK]
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.atl                                     antic/ds2422p_42218/atlantic-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/cust                                     om/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic/ds2422p_42218/... [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/ma                                     ster/atlantic/src/check-atlantic.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/P                                     eterSuh-Q3.atlantic/ds2422p_42218/check-atlantic.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic/ds242                                     2p_42218/check-atlantic.sh file... [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic platform ds                                     2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/igb/releases/ds2422p_42218.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensio                                     ns/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension PeterSuh-Q3.igb platform ds                                     2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/ma                                     ster/igb/releases/igb-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/exte                                     nsions/PeterSuh-Q3.igb/ds2422p_42218/igb-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.igb/ds2422p_42                                     218/igb-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz file... [OK]
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.igb                                     /ds2422p_42218/igb-4.4.180plus-v1000.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensi                                     ons/PeterSuh-Q3.igb/ds2422p_42218/... [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/ma                                     ster/igb/src/check-igb.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3                                     .igb/ds2422p_42218/check-igb.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/PeterSuh-Q3.igb/ds2422p_42                                     218/check-igb.sh file... [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension PeterSuh-Q3.igb platform ds2422p                                     _42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PeterSuh-Q3/rp-ext                                     /master/redpill-dtb-static/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custo                                     m/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Extension redpill-dtb-static for ds2422p_42218 platform is already up to dat                                     e
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/pocopico/redpill-load/raw/develop                                     /redpill-misc/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/                                     _ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Extension redpill-misc for ds2422p_42218 platform is already up to date
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait/raw                                     /master/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_n                                     ew_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension thethorgroup.boot-wait plat                                     form ds2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RedPill-TTG/redpil                                     l-boot-wait/master/src/boot-wait.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/t                                     hethorgroup.boot-wait/ds2422p_42218/boot-wait.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/thethorgroup.boot-wait/ds2                                     422p_42218/boot-wait.sh file... [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension thethorgroup.boot-wait platform                                      ds2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/r                                     edpill-virtio/recipes/ds1621p_41890.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensi                                     ons/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Filling-in newly downloaded recipe for extension thethorgroup.virtio platfor                                     m ds2422p_42218
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RedPill-TTG/redpil                                     l-virtio/master/src/check-virtio.sh to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/t                                     hethorgroup.virtio/ds2422p_42218/check-virtio.sh
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/thethorgroup.virtio/ds2422                                     p_42218/check-virtio.sh file... [OK]
[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/r                                     edpill-virtio/releases/v1.0.0/v1000/virtio-4.4.180p.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load                                     /custom/extensions/thethorgroup.virtio/ds2422p_42218/virtio-4.4.180p.tgz
######################################################################### 100.0%
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/thethorgroup.virtio/ds2422                                     p_42218/virtio-4.4.180p.tgz file... [OK]
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/thethorgroup.vi                                     rtio/ds2422p_42218/virtio-4.4.180p.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extension                                     s/thethorgroup.virtio/ds2422p_42218/... [OK]
[#] Successfully processed recipe for extension thethorgroup.virtio platform ds2                                     422p_42218
[#] Unpacking files from /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/thethorgroup.vi                                     rtio/ds2422p_42218/virtio-4.4.180p.tgz to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extension                                     s/thethorgroup.virtio/ds2422p_42218/... [OK]
[#] Updating extensions... [OK]
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds2422p_42218.pat file... [OK]
[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds2422p_42218.pat file to /home/tc/red                                     pill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked... [OK]
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked/                                     zImage file... [OK]
[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked/z                                     Image to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/zImage-patched... /usr/local/bin                                     /rm: cannot remove '/home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/zImage-patched.tmp_sr                                     c': No such file or directory

[*] Failed to delete src work file
[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked/z                                     Image to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/zImage-patched... [OK]
[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked/                                     rd.gz file... [OK]
[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/pat-ds2422p_42218-unpacked/                                     rd.gz file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/rd-ds2422p_42218-unpacked..                                     . [OK]
/home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/rd-ds2422p_42218-unpacked /home/tc/redpil                                     l-load
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch nam                                     e
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint:   git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint:   git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/rd-ds                                     2422p_42218-unpacked/.git/
[master (root-commit) 5e2a1e6] import ramdisk
 581 files changed, 19300 insertions(+)
 create mode 120000 bin
 create mode 120000 etc.defaults
 create mode 100755 etc/VERSION
 create mode 100644 etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/crontab
 create mode 120000 etc/dhclient/ipv4
 create mode 100644 etc/extensionPorts
 create mode 100644 etc/fstab
 create mode 100644 etc/ftpusers
 create mode 100644 etc/group
 create mode 100644 etc/group_desc
 create mode 100644 etc/host.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/hosts
 create mode 100644 etc/hosts.allow
 create mode 100644 etc/hosts.deny
 create mode 100644 etc/inetd.conf
 create mode 100755 etc/mke2fs.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/model.dtb
 create mode 100644 etc/modules.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/motd
 create mode 120000 etc/mtab
 create mode 100644 etc/nsswitch.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/passwd
 create mode 100644 etc/profile
 create mode 100644 etc/protocols
 create mode 100755 etc/rc
 create mode 100755 etc/rc.fan
 create mode 100755 etc/rc.network
 create mode 100755 etc/rc.network_routing
 create mode 100755 etc/rc.scanusbdev
 create mode 100755 etc/rc.subr
 create mode 100644 etc/resolv.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/rpc
 create mode 100644 etc/services
 create mode 100644 etc/shadow
 create mode 100644 etc/shells
 create mode 100755 etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
 create mode 100755 etc/synogrinst.sh
 create mode 100755 etc/synoinfo.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/synouser.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth4
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth5
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth6
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth7
 create mode 120000 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-tun
 create mode 100644 etc/sysconfig/networking/ifcfg-lo
 create mode 100644 etc/sysctl.conf
 create mode 100644 etc/termcap
 create mode 120000 init
 create mode 120000 lib
 create mode 120000 lib32
 create mode 120000 lib64
 create mode 120000 linuxrc
 create mode 100755 linuxrc.syno
 create mode 100755 linuxrc.syno.impl
 create mode 100644 root/.profile
 create mode 120000 sbin
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/[
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/[[
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/arch
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/ash
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/basename
 create mode 100755 usr/bin/busybox
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/cat
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/chattr
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/chgrp
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/chmod
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/chown
 create mode 100755 usr/bin/cksum
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/cp
 create mode 100755 usr/bin/curl
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/cut
 create mode 120000 usr/bin/date
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 create mode 100644 var/lib/disk-compatibility/host_rule.version
 create mode 120000 var/lock
 create mode 120000 var/run
[#] Apply patches to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/rd-ds2422p_42218-unp                                     acked... [OK]
[#] Patching config files in ramdisk... [OK]
[#] Adding OS config patching... include/text.sh: line 17: text: unbound variabl                                     e
/home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/rd-ds2422p_42218-unpacked /home/tc/redpil                                     l-load
[#] Adding OS config patching... [OK]
[#] Bundling extensions... [#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Dumping ds2422p_42218 platform extensions to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/166                                     2012975/custom-initrd/exts... [OK]
[#] Packing custom ramdisk layer to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1662012975/custo                                     m.gz... 1+0 records in
1+0 records out
64 bytes copied, 2.676e-05 s, 2.4 MB/s
[#] Generating GRUB config... [OK]
[#] Creating loader image at loader.img... [OK]
[#] Cleaning up... [OK]
Mounting /dev/sdl1 to localdiskp1
/dev/sdl2 localdiskp2
Creating tinycore entry
menuentry 'Tiny Core Image Build' {
        set root=(hd0,msdos3)
        echo Loading Linux...
        linux /vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 cde waitusb=5 vga=791
        echo Loading initramfs...
        initrd /corepure64.gz
        echo Booting TinyCore for loader creation
Entries in Localdisk bootloader :
menuentry 'Jun`s Mod x RedPill DS2422+ v7.0.1-42218 (USB, Verbose)' {
menuentry 'Jun`s Mod x RedPill DS2422+ v7.0.1-42218 (SATA, Verbose)' {
menuentry 'Jun`s Mod x RedPill DS2422+ v7.0.1-42218 (USB, Verbose, Re-Install DS                                     M)' {
menuentry 'Jun`s Mod x RedPill DS2422+ v7.0.1-42218 (SATA, Verbose, Re-Install D                                     SM)' {
menuentry 'Tiny Core Image Build' {
Caching files for future use
Found /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds2422p_42218.pat, copying to cache directory                                      : /mnt/sdl3/auxfiles
Saving user session for future use. Saving current extensions  -> OK !
Saving current user_config.json  -> OK !
Removing redpill.ko ...

Backup in progress...

Clearing local redpill files
Please make sure you are using the latest 1GB img before using backup option
Current /home/tc size is 2.4M , try to keep it less than 1GB as it might not fit                                      into your image
Should i update the sdl with your current files [Yy/Nn]
Backing up home files to sdl : Backing up files to /mnt/sdl3//mydata.tgz

tc@box:~$ exitcheck.sh reboot



Edited by Agente Zeth
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cat /var/log/*rc*


SynologyNAS> cat /var/log/*rc*
START /linuxrc.syno.impl
'/etc.defaults/model.dtb' -> '/var/run/model.dtb'
Insert Marvell 1475 SATA controller driver
Insert basic USB modules...
:: Loading module usb-common ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module usbcore ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module ehci-hcd ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module ehci-pci ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module uhci-hcd ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module xhci-hcd ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module xhci-pci ... [ OK ]
:: Loading module usb-storage ... [ OK ]
:: Loading kernel modules from extensions ...
Loading kmod #0 "crc-itu-t.ko" for PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic (args: )
Loading kmod #1 "atlantic.ko" for PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic (args: )
Loading kmod #0 "igb.ko" for PeterSuh-Q3.igb (args: )
Checking if kmods for thethorgroup.virtio should run using check-virtio.sh script
Checking for VirtIO
*No* VirtIO hypervisor detected
NOT loading kmods for thethorgroup.virtio
:: Loading kernel modules from extensions ... [ OK ]
:: Executing "on_boot" custom scripts ...
Running "check-atlantic.sh" for PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic->on_boot
Loading module atlantic -> Module atlantic loaded successfully
Ran "check-atlantic.sh" for PeterSuh-Q3.atlantic->on_boot - exit=0
Running "check-igb.sh" for PeterSuh-Q3.igb->on_boot
Loading module igb -> Module igb loaded successfully
Ran "check-igb.sh" for PeterSuh-Q3.igb->on_boot - exit=0
Running "install_rd.sh" for redpill-dtb-static->on_boot
'model_ds2422p.dtb' -> '/etc.defaults/model.dtb'
'model_ds2422p.dtb' -> '/var/run/model.dtb'
Ran "install_rd.sh" for redpill-dtb-static->on_boot - exit=0
Running "install_rd.sh" for redpill-misc->on_boot
Starting ttyd, listening on port: 7681
Ran "install_rd.sh" for redpill-misc->on_boot - exit=0
Running "boot-wait.sh" for thethorgroup.boot-wait->on_boot
Still waiting for boot device (waited 1 of 30 seconds)
Still waiting for boot device (waited 2 of 30 seconds)
Confirmed a valid-looking /dev/synoboot device
Ran "boot-wait.sh" for thethorgroup.boot-wait->on_boot - exit=0
:: Executing "on_boot" custom scripts ... [ OK ]
Extensions processed
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/etxhci-hcd.ko': No such file or directory
Insert net driver(Mindspeed only)...
Starting /usr/syno/bin/synocfgen...
/usr/syno/bin/synocfgen returns 0
All disk ready or timeout exceeded
Exit on error [1] DISK NOT INSTALLED...
Wed Aug 31 12:41:44 UTC 2022
none /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0


ls -l /sys/block


lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 nvme0n1 -> ../devices/pci0000:40/0000:40:01.1/0000:41:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram0 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram1 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram1
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram10 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram10
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram11 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram11
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram12 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram12
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram13 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram13
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram14 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram14
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram15 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram15
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram2 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram2
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram3 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram3
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram4 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram4
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram5 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram5
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram6 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram6
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram7 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram7
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram8 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram8
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 ram9 -> ../devices/virtual/block/ram9
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata1 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sata1
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata10 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.2/0000:02:07.0/0000:07:00.0/ata13/host12/target12:0:0/12:0:0:0/block/sata10
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata11 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.2/0000:02:07.0/0000:07:00.0/ata14/host13/target13:0:0/13:0:0:0/block/sata11
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata2 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata3/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sata2
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata3 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sata3
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata4 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata5/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sata4
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata5 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata6/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sata5
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata6 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata7/host6/target6:0:0/6:0:0:0/block/sata6
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata7 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.1/ata8/host7/target7:0:0/7:0:0:0/block/sata7
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata8 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.2/0000:02:07.0/0000:07:00.0/ata11/host10/target10:0:0/10:0:0:0/block/sata8
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:41 sata9 -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.2/0000:02:07.0/0000:07:00.0/ata12/host11/target11:0:0/11:0:0:0/block/sata9
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 31 12:47 synoboot -> ../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:01:00.0/usb2/2-4/2-4:1.0/host42/target42:0:0/42:0:0:0/block/synoboot



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50 minutes ago, Agente Zeth said:


I used the one you have in your repo




Copy and paste


No, you should not use this file as is.
You have to write your own dts based on the Sata Port information from lspci -tvnnq.
You should of course include the NVMe information as well.

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5 minutes ago, Agente Zeth said:


Wouldn't it be easier to copy and paste the one generated by ds1621+?


That's okay, but don't confuse dts and dtb files.
dts files are text files, but dtb files are binary.


Only the ds1621p.dtb file will exist in the path.
Why don't you just process your dts file based on the information below that you gave me last time?


Found 2 disks and 1 nvme
Collecting disk paths
Found local disk sda with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 1 with portnumber 5
Found local disk sdb with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 2 with portnumber 8
Collecting nvme paths
Found local nvme nvme0n1 with path 40:01.1,00.0, adding into m2_card 1
Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in 4-2 port
Converting dts file : ds1621p.dts to dtb file : >ds1621p.dtb
Copying patched dtb file ds1621p.dtb to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/

Edited by Peter Suh
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39 minutes ago, Peter Suh said:

Use this file.




dts written according to your information.


Just when he told me he was creating it, do the following:


./my.sh DS1621+J realmac (generates ds1621p.dts at home tc)

cp ds1621p.dts ds2422p.dts

vi ds2422p.dts (change model)

./my.sh DS2422+ userdts (copy and paste)

./my.sh DS2422+J realmac

exitcheck.sh reboot


same result


I'm going to try with your dts, to see if I have better luck.


Update It hasn't worked with your dts either, I'm a bit annoyed now, I think I'll stick with DS1621+J



/ {
        compatible = "Synology";
        model = "synology_v1000_2422+";
        version = <0x1>;
        syno_spinup_group = <0x6>;
        syno_spinup_group_delay = <0x0>;
        syno_hdd_powerup_seq = "true";
        syno_smbus_hdd_type = "tca9555";
        syno_smbus_hdd_adapter = <0x1>;
        syno_smbus_hdd_address = <0x20>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_flash = <0xe0>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_boot = <0xe2>;

        DX517 {
                compatible = "Synology";
                model = "synology_dx517";

                pmp_slot@1 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x0>;

                pmp_slot@2 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x1>;

                pmp_slot@3 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x2>;

                pmp_slot@4 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x3>;

                pmp_slot@5 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x4>;

        internal_slot@1 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led0";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led1";

        internal_slot@2 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x1>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led2";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led3";

        internal_slot@3 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led4";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led5";

        internal_slot@4 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led6";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led7";

        internal_slot@5 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led8";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led9";

        internal_slot@6 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led10";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led11";

        esata_port@1 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.5,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        esata_port@2 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        nvme_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.3";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        nvme_slot@2 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.4";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        pcie_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.2";

        usb_slot@1 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0x2a 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-2";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-2";

        usb_slot@2 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xb 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "3-1";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "4-1";

        usb_slot@3 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xc 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-3";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-3";


Edited by Agente Zeth
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29 minutes ago, Agente Zeth said:


Just when he told me he was creating it, do the following:


./my.sh DS1621+J realmac (generates ds1621p.dts at home tc)

cp ds1621p.dts ds2422p.dts

vi ds2422p.dts (change model)

./my.sh DS2422+ userdts (copy and paste)

./my.sh DS2422+J realmac

exitcheck.sh reboot


same result


I'm going to try with your dts, to see if I have better luck.


Update It hasn't worked with your dts either, I'm a bit annoyed now, I think I'll stick with DS1621+J



/ {
        compatible = "Synology";
        model = "synology_v1000_2422+";
        version = <0x1>;
        syno_spinup_group = <0x6>;
        syno_spinup_group_delay = <0x0>;
        syno_hdd_powerup_seq = "true";
        syno_smbus_hdd_type = "tca9555";
        syno_smbus_hdd_adapter = <0x1>;
        syno_smbus_hdd_address = <0x20>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_flash = <0xe0>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_boot = <0xe2>;

        DX517 {
                compatible = "Synology";
                model = "synology_dx517";

                pmp_slot@1 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x0>;

                pmp_slot@2 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x1>;

                pmp_slot@3 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x2>;

                pmp_slot@4 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x3>;

                pmp_slot@5 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x4>;

        internal_slot@1 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led0";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led1";

        internal_slot@2 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x1>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led2";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led3";

        internal_slot@3 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led4";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led5";

        internal_slot@4 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led6";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led7";

        internal_slot@5 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led8";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led9";

        internal_slot@6 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led10";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led11";

        esata_port@1 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.5,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        esata_port@2 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        nvme_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.3";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        nvme_slot@2 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.4";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        pcie_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.2";

        usb_slot@1 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0x2a 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-2";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-2";

        usb_slot@2 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xb 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "3-1";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "4-1";

        usb_slot@3 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xc 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-3";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-3";



Did you see this file ?




For some reason, I think you are going in the wrong direction.

Edited by Peter Suh
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7 minutes ago, Agente Zeth said:

Yeah, I tried it and got the same result. Question Peter, is it possible to change the maxdisks from 16 to 24 on the DS1621+J model?



But ds1621+ also needs to do the same Device Tree Map operation as in ds2422+ through dts file.

You must create up to 24 internal_slots in this dts file.

You should have some understanding of Device Tree Mapping.

Device Tree does not reference the grub.cfg file.

Edited by Peter Suh
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9 minutes ago, Peter Suh said:



But ds1621+ also needs to do the same Device Tree Map operation as in ds2422+ through dts file.

You must create up to 24 internal_slots in this dts file.

You should have some understanding of Device Tree Mapping.

Device Tree does not reference the grub.cfg file.


The value of ata_port was not correct.

Why not try this file one more time?

Edited by Peter Suh
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8 hours ago, Peter Suh said:



It has worked, with some flaws but it has worked. It has detected 7 units, and the m2, I detail the mapping



 Mother board sata ports:
It has detected 7 of 8 (the first one is not detected)


Asmedia PCIE card ports
0 of 6


Ports m2
1 of 1

I have made a change in the ds2422p.dts of git, since when starting it detected that it was a DX517




Update: even and with the change it continues to detect what it is: DX517







DS_Cosmos - Synology NAS — Mozilla Firefox.jpg

DS_Cosmos - Synology NAS — Mozilla Firefox_2.jpg

Edited by Agente Zeth
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2 hours ago, Agente Zeth said:



It has worked, with some flaws but it has worked. It has detected 7 units, and the m2, I detail the mapping



 Mother board sata ports:
It has detected 7 of 8 (the first one is not detected)


Asmedia PCIE card ports
0 of 6


Ports m2
1 of 1

I have made a change in the ds2422p.dts of git, since when starting it detected that it was a DX517




Update: even and with the change it continues to detect what it is: DX517







DS_Cosmos - Synology NAS — Mozilla Firefox.jpg

DS_Cosmos - Synology NAS — Mozilla Firefox_2.jpg


El dx517 es una unidad de expansión de disco, no una estación de disco. El archivo dtb original también se usa así, así que no te preocupes por esta parte.
¿Son los 4 puertos traseros en el archivo dts el sata incorporado?
¿El ata_port está registrado correctamente?
Me gustaría ver el último archivo ds2422p.dts que utilizó.

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36 minutes ago, Peter Suh said:


El dx517 es una unidad de expansión de disco, no una estación de disco. El archivo dtb original también se usa así, así que no te preocupes por esta parte.
¿Son los 4 puertos traseros en el archivo dts el sata incorporado?
¿El ata_port está registrado correctamente?
Me gustaría ver el último archivo ds2422p.dts que utilizó.



Load the one from your repository without modification, I have done a scan again to know exactly how the disks are distributed (I found that one was not connected correctly and it already detects it):


#sata port MB
No cached dtb file found in /home/tc/custom-module/ds1621p.dtb
Found 12 disks and 1 nvme
Collecting disk paths
Found local disk sda with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 1 with portnumber 0
Found local disk sdb with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 2 with portnumber 1
Found local disk sdc with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 3 with portnumber 2
Found local disk sdd with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 4 with portnumber 3
Found local disk sde with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 5 with portnumber 4
Found local disk sdf with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 6 with portnumber 5
Found local disk sdg with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 7 with portnumber 6
Found local disk sdh with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 8 with portnumber 7

#sata port pcie asmedia does not detect any

Found local disk sdi with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 9 with portnumber 8
Found local disk sdj with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 10 with portnumber 9
Found local disk sdk with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 11 with portnumber 10
Found local disk sdl with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 12 with portnumber 11
Collecting nvme paths

Found local nvme nvme0n1 with path 40:01.1,00.0, adding into m2_card 1
Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in 2-2 port
Converting dts file : ds1621p.dts to dtb file : >ds1621p.dtb


Be careful that even if there are only 4, the asmedia is 6, so the internal_slot should have up to 14, am I wrong?

I also checked the dts of ds1621p again, but I see that the pcie_root do not match anything we have



tc@box:~$ cat redpill-load/ds1621p.dts

/ {
        compatible = "Synology";
        model = "synology_v1000_1621+";
        version = <0x1>;
        syno_spinup_group = <0x6>;
        syno_spinup_group_delay = <0x0>;
        syno_hdd_powerup_seq = "true";
        syno_smbus_hdd_type = "tca9555";
        syno_smbus_hdd_adapter = <0x1>;
        syno_smbus_hdd_address = <0x20>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_flash = <0xe0>;
        syno_cmos_reg_secure_boot = <0xe2>;

        DX517 {
                compatible = "Synology";
                model = "synology_dx517";

                pmp_slot@1 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x0>;

                pmp_slot@2 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x1>;

                pmp_slot@3 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x2>;

                pmp_slot@4 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x3>;

                pmp_slot@5 {

                        libata {
                                EMID = <0x0>;
                                pmp_link = <0x4>;

        internal_slot@1 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led0";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led1";

        internal_slot@2 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x1>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led2";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led3";

        internal_slot@3 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led4";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led5";

        internal_slot@4 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led6";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led7";

        internal_slot@5 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x2>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led8";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led9";

        internal_slot@6 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x3>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led10";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led11";

        internal_slot@7 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x03>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led12";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led13";

        internal_slot@8 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x04>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led14";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led15";

        internal_slot@9 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x05>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led16";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led17";

        internal_slot@10 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x05>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led18";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led19";

        internal_slot@11 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x00>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led20";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led21";

        internal_slot@12 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x01>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led22";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led23";

        internal_slot@13 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x02>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led24";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led25";

        internal_slot@14 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x03>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led26";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led27";

        internal_slot@15 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x04>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led28";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led29";

        internal_slot@16 {
                protocol_type = "sata";
                led_type = "lp3943";

                ahci {
                         pcie_root = "00:12.0";
                        ata_port = <0x05>;

                led_green {
                        led_name = "syno_led30";

                led_orange {
                        led_name = "syno_led31";

        esata_port@1 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.5,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        esata_port@2 {

                ahci {
                        pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";
                        ata_port = <0x0>;

        nvme_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.3";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        nvme_slot@2 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.4";
                port_type = "ssdcache";

        pcie_slot@1 {
                pcie_root = "00:01.2";

        usb_slot@1 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0x2a 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-2";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-2";

        usb_slot@2 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xb 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "3-1";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "4-1";

        usb_slot@3 {

                vbus {
                        syno_gpio = <0xc 0x1>;

                usb2 {
                        usb_port = "1-3";

                usb3 {
                        usb_port = "2-3";



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2 hours ago, Agente Zeth said:
Load the one from your repository without modification, I have done a scan again to know exactly how the disks are distributed (I found that one was not connected correctly and it already detects it):
#sata port MBNo cached dtb file found in /home/tc/custom-module/ds1621p.dtbFound 12 disks and 1 nvmeCollecting disk pathsFound local disk sda with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 1 with portnumber 0Found local disk sdb with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 2 with portnumber 1Found local disk sdc with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 3 with portnumber 2Found local disk sdd with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 4 with portnumber 3Found local disk sde with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 5 with portnumber 4Found local disk sdf with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 6 with portnumber 5Found local disk sdg with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 7 with portnumber 6Found local disk sdh with path 00:01.1,00.1, adding into internal_slot 8 with portnumber 7#sata port pcie asmedia does not detect anyFound local disk sdi with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 9 with portnumber 8Found local disk sdj with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 10 with portnumber 9Found local disk sdk with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 11 with portnumber 10Found local disk sdl with path 00:01.1,00.2, adding into internal_slot 12 with portnumber 11Collecting nvme pathsFound local nvme nvme0n1 with path 40:01.1,00.0, adding into m2_card 1Patching USB to include your loader. Loader found in 2-2 portConverting dts file : ds1621p.dts to dtb file : >ds1621p.dtb


Be careful that even if there are only 4, the asmedia is 6, so the internal_slot should have up to 14, am I wrong?

I also checked the dts of ds1621p again, but I see that the pcie_root do not match anything we have

tc@box:~$ cat redpill-load/ds1621p.dts/dts-v1/;/ {       compatible = "Synology";       model = "synology_v1000_1621+";       version = ;       syno_spinup_group = ;       syno_spinup_group_delay = ;       syno_hdd_powerup_seq = "true";       syno_smbus_hdd_type = "tca9555";       syno_smbus_hdd_adapter = ;       syno_smbus_hdd_address = ;       syno_cmos_reg_secure_flash = ;       syno_cmos_reg_secure_boot = ;       DX517 {               compatible = "Synology";               model = "synology_dx517";               pmp_slot@1 {                       libata {                               EMID = ;                               pmp_link = ;                       };               };               pmp_slot@2 {                       libata {                               EMID = ;                               pmp_link = ;                       };               };               pmp_slot@3 {                       libata {                               EMID = ;                               pmp_link = ;                       };               };               pmp_slot@4 {                       libata {                               EMID = ;                               pmp_link = ;                       };               };               pmp_slot@5 {                       libata {                               EMID = ;                               pmp_link = ;                       };               };       };       internal_slot@1 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led0";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led1";               };       };       internal_slot@2 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led2";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led3";               };       };       internal_slot@3 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led4";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led5";               };       };       internal_slot@4 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:1e.0,01.0,07.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led6";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led7";               };       };       internal_slot@5 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led8";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led9";               };       };       internal_slot@6 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led10";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led11";               };       };       internal_slot@7 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led12";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led13";               };       };       internal_slot@8 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led14";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led15";               };       };       internal_slot@9 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led16";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led17";               };       };       internal_slot@10 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led18";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led19";               };       };       internal_slot@11 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led20";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led21";               };       };       internal_slot@12 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led22";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led23";               };       };       internal_slot@13 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led24";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led25";               };       };       internal_slot@14 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led26";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led27";               };       };       internal_slot@15 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led28";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led29";               };       };       internal_slot@16 {               protocol_type = "sata";               led_type = "lp3943";               ahci {                        pcie_root = "00:12.0";                       ata_port = ;               };               led_green {                       led_name = "syno_led30";               };               led_orange {                       led_name = "syno_led31";               };       };       esata_port@1 {               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:01.5,00.0";                       ata_port = ;               };       };       esata_port@2 {               ahci {                       pcie_root = "00:01.6,00.0";                       ata_port = ;               };       };       nvme_slot@1 {               pcie_root = "00:01.3";               port_type = "ssdcache";       };       nvme_slot@2 {               pcie_root = "00:01.4";               port_type = "ssdcache";       };       pcie_slot@1 {               pcie_root = "00:01.2";       };       usb_slot@1 {               vbus {                       syno_gpio = ;               };               usb2 {                       usb_port = "1-2";               };               usb3 {                       usb_port = "2-2";               };       };       usb_slot@2 {               vbus {                       syno_gpio = ;               };               usb2 {                       usb_port = "3-1";               };               usb3 {                       usb_port = "4-1";               };       };       usb_slot@3 {               vbus {                       syno_gpio = ;               };               usb2 {                       usb_port = "1-3";               };               usb3 {                       usb_port = "2-3";               };       };};



I adjusted the ata_port one more time by referring to the log you gave me. Expect to see 4 more discs.


And finally, the ds2422p.dts file that you edited is here.

The dts information you sent me now is completely wrong information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Peter Suh
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2 hours ago, Peter Suh said:


I adjusted the ata_port one more time by referring to the log you gave me. Expect to see 4 more discs.


And finally, the ds2422p.dts file that you edited is here.

The dts information you sent me now is completely wrong information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Perhaps the USB stick looks like sdm, not sdl.


Depending on the number of disks, this letter is variable.



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