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TinyCore RedPill Loader (TCRP)


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Hi all, I am trying to build a DS3617xs in tinycoreloader on a baremetal platform with 10gbe HP Ethernet controller. The same bare metal hardware works on Tinycore redpill DS918+ w/10gbe HP Ethernet controller. However, with "./rploader.sh build broadwell-7.0.1-42218" command, the following error message is shown. It seems that pocopico.ixgbe is supporting to ds3617xs_42218u2, version not matching the ds3617xs_42218 platforms?


tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh build broadwell-7.0.1-42218
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot iterate over null (null)
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot iterate over null (null)
Loader source : https://github.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-load.git Loader Branch : develop
Redpill module source : https://github.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-lkm.git : Redpill module branch : develop
Extensions :
Extensions URL :
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.broadwell-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : e050987fbbab0c246aff2af935b1d8a4140ce490915aa4c92f3c8d163eea970c
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology%20NAS%20GPL%20Source/25426branch/broadwell-source/linux-3.10.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : d3e85eb80f16a83244fcae6016ab6783cd8ac55e3af2b4240455261396e1e1be
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : broadwell
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer version exists on the repo -> Version is current
Cloning into 'redpill-lkm'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1055, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1055/1055), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (502/502), done.
remote: Total 1055 (delta 727), reused 874 (delta 546), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1055/1055), 449.38 KiB | 3.30 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (727/727), done.
Cloning into 'redpill-load'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 505, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (94/94), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (83/83), done.
remote: Total 505 (delta 36), reused 43 (delta 8), pack-reused 411
Receiving objects: 100% (505/505), 6.53 MiB | 12.91 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (192/192), done.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Looking for redpill for : ds3617xs_42218
Getting file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/redpill/releases/redpill-4.4.180plus-broadwell.tgz
Extracting module
Got redpill-linux-v4.4.180+.ko
Testing modules.alias.json -> File OK
It looks that you will need the following modules :

Found VGA Controller : pciid 8086d00001622  Required Extension : i915
Searching for matching extension for i915
Found SATA Controller : pciid 8086d00008c82  Required Extension : ahci
Searching for matching extension for ahci
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%
[#] ========================================== pocopico.ixgbe ==========================================
[#] Extension name: ixgbe
[#] Description: Adds Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express Linux Network Driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/ixgbe
[#] Software author: https://github.com/pocopico
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds918p_41890 ds918p_25556 ds3615xs_41222 ds3617xs_42218u2 ds3615xs_25556 ds918p_42218 ds3615xs_42218
[#] =======================================================================================

Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 8086d00001528 Required Extension : ixgbe
Searching for matching extension for ixgbe
Found matching extension :
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%

[!] Extension is already added (index exists at /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/pocopico.ixgbe/pocopico.ixgbe.json). For more info use "ext-manager.sh info pocopico.ixgbe"

*** Process will exit ***
Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 8086d00001528 Required Extension : ixgbe
Searching for matching extension for ixgbe
Found matching extension :
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
######################################################################## 100.0%
[#] ========================================== pocopico.r8169 ==========================================
[#] Extension name: r8169
[#] Description: Adds RealTek RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/r8169
[#] Software author: https://github.com/pocopico
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds3617xs_25556u2 ds918p_41890 ds3617xs_42218 ds3615xs_25556u2 ds3617xs_25556 ds918p_25556 ds3615xs_41222 ds3617xs_42218u2 ds3615xs_25556 ds918p_42218 ds3615xs_42218
[#] =======================================================================================

Found Ethernet Interface : pciid 10ecd00008168 Required Extension : r8169
Searching for matching extension for r8169
Found matching extension :
Starting loader creation
Checking user_config.json : Done
Cache directory OK
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating extensions...

[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Adding new extension from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-ext/master/virtio/rpext-index.json...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-ext/master/virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
############################################################################################################## 100.0%
[#] ========================================== thethorgroup.jg.virtio ==========================================
[#] Extension name: VirtIO
[#] Description: Adds VirtIO support for fast network/PCI/SCSI/network/console paravirtualization under QEmu (Proxmox, VirtualBox, virsh, and similar)
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio
[#] Software author: https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Virtio
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-ext/master/virtio/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds3617xs_25556u2 ds918p_41890 ds3617xs_42218 ds3615xs_25556u2 ds3617xs_25556 ds918p_25556 ds3615xs_41222 ds3617xs_42218u2 ds3615xs_25556 ds918p_42218 ds918p_25556u2 ds3615xs_42218
[#] =======================================================================================

[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating pocopico.ixgbe extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
############################################################################################################## 100.0%

[#] Extension pocopico.ixgbe index is already up to date
[#] Updating pocopico.r8169 extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
############################################################################################################## 100.0%

[#] Extension pocopico.r8169 index is already up to date
[#] Updating thethorgroup.jg.virtio extension...
[#] Downloading remote file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-ext/master/virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json
############################################################################################################## 100.0%

[#] Extension thethorgroup.jg.virtio index is already up to date
[#] Updating thethorgroup.jg.virtio extension... [OK]
[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [OK]
[#] Updating ds3617xs_42218 platforms extensions...
[-] The extension pocopico.ixgbe was found. However, the extension index has no recipe for ds3617xs_42218 platform. It may not be
[-] supported on that platform, or author didn't updated it for that platform yet. You can try running
[-] "ext-manager.sh update" to refresh indexes for all extensions manually. Below are the currently known information about
[-] the extension stored locally:
[#] ========================================== pocopico.ixgbe ==========================================
[#] Extension name: ixgbe
[#] Description: Adds Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express Linux Network Driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/ixgbe
[#] Software author: https://github.com/pocopico
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds918p_41890 ds918p_25556 ds3615xs_41222 ds3617xs_42218u2 ds3615xs_25556 ds918p_42218 ds3615xs_42218
[#] =======================================================================================

[-] Failed to update recipe for pocopico.ixgbe extension for platform ds3617xs_42218. The script will terminate as you do not
[-] have previously downloaded recipe which can be used if download fails. Try again later. If problem
[-] persists contact the extension packer for support (displayed below)
[#] ========================================== pocopico.ixgbe ==========================================
[#] Extension name: ixgbe
[#] Description: Adds Intel(R) 10GbE PCI Express Linux Network Driver Support
[#] To get help visit: <todo>
[#] Extension preparer/packer: https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/ixgbe
[#] Software author: https://github.com/pocopico
[#] Update URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json
[#] Platforms supported: ds918p_41890 ds918p_25556 ds3615xs_41222 ds3617xs_42218u2 ds3615xs_25556 ds918p_42218 ds3615xs_42218
[#] =======================================================================================

[!] Cannot continue due to previous errors (see above)

*** Process will exit ***
[!] Failed to update all extensions for ds3617xs_42218 platform - see errors above

*** Process will exit ***
FAILED : Loader creation failed check the output for any errors

In addition, when visiting https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json


the code for ds3617xs_42218u2 is:


"ds3617xs_42218u2": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/releases/ds3617xs_42218.json"


in which the above link is "404 not found" too. Thanks all for your kind attention.



Edited by Rebutia
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Finally got a 3617 (broadwell) running prod on Vmware esxi 7 using multiple vlans, hyperb,synodrive, dns, vpn, smb


Lessons learned and experience.


Disk write issues -> Needed to convert the vmdk with v2v in order to make it sata writable (without convert only readable via IDE interface esxi config could not be written strange errors and disk failure when installing dsm.)

After disks reassignment in esxi and assignment in synology had to “repair” them, which went very fast and without issues.


SMB issues -> users got access denied on smb shares. Synology added the SMB service as an application for access. The group users didn’t had default access on SMB. (my other synology boxes updated via control panel to dms7 did give default user group access to SMB) this issues costed


Config restore issues – Couldn’t get my packages back, had to redownload on dsm7, but import setting successful, network interfaces on different numbers but in esxi in the same order. Restore config didn’t restore all settings, Just check all your settings!


Synodrive had to upload all files to my other synology devices like they had been changed after the migration but done with success.


So, running for a couple of days stable …. thanks pocopico ! for creating such an easy working loader. Never got the redpill from thor working because of issues and time.

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4 hours ago, recoco said:

I'm using vm in Proxmox. NIC is e1000.

If you deperatly want to use an intel vnic, you will have to use the e1000e, which can not be configured from the ui.


If you want to walk down that road, you will have to dig deeper into proxmox or the vm configuration (either from the serial console or using ssh):

- either by manualy adding the nic in the "args" value of the vm config - this one is cumbursom to archive

- by patching some promox files to "unlock" the e1000e in the ui - this one is not recommended as any PVE update will undo the changes.


Google consulting should provide plenty of examples on how its done - the forum search might reveil hits about this as well.


Though, why are you not just using virtio? I am using it on Proxmox 7.x with bromolow/apollolake DSM7.x -> works like a charme. 


Edited by haydibe
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5 hours ago, turbolars said:

Finally got a 3617 (broadwell) running prod on Vmware esxi 7 using multiple vlans, hyperb,synodrive, dns, vpn, smb


Lessons learned and experience.


Disk write issues -> Needed to convert the vmdk with v2v in order to make it sata writable (without convert only readable via IDE interface esxi config could not be written strange errors and disk failure when installing dsm.)

After disks reassignment in esxi and assignment in synology had to “repair” them, which went very fast and without issues.


SMB issues -> users got access denied on smb shares. Synology added the SMB service as an application for access. The group users didn’t had default access on SMB. (my other synology boxes updated via control panel to dms7 did give default user group access to SMB) this issues costed


Config restore issues – Couldn’t get my packages back, had to redownload on dsm7, but import setting successful, network interfaces on different numbers but in esxi in the same order. Restore config didn’t restore all settings, Just check all your settings!


Synodrive had to upload all files to my other synology devices like they had been changed after the migration but done with success.


So, running for a couple of days stable …. thanks pocopico ! for creating such an easy working loader. Never got the redpill from thor working because of issues and time.

Thanks for the feeback ;-)

Is it still required to disable Internet connection during the installation/migration?

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On 2/4/2022 at 2:57 PM, danellis12561 said:

I'm so close, yet so far.  I'm able to use the Tiny Core image to generate the serial/MAC, get the SATA port map and also get the PID/VID for the flash drive.  I get to the point where it's installing the .pat file I upload to it and it fails at about 56% and says the image may be corrupt.  I have verified multiple times via multiple tools that the flash drive PID and VID are correct.  I've tried the 3615xs and 3617xs loaders and neither work.  I've also tried different USB ports.  Details for my system are below.  Any help would be appreciated.


Bare metal install

Dell Poweredge t420

Intel Xeon E5-2420v2


PERC h710 RAID controller flashed to IT mode

4x1TB SATA hard drives


3617xs fails around 56% saying the file may be corrupt.

3615xs finds no drives at all


***EDIT - After re-reading some of the older posts, I think the bootloader may have been booting into SATA mode instead of USB.  I'll check that this evening and give it another shot.

So I double checked and I get the same results when making sure it boots to USB instead of SATA.  I swapped out the drives for (4) 3TB SAS drives.  I tried a different flash drive and different USB ports.  I've tried 3615xs and 3617xs.  I haven't tried the 918+ since the processor is Ivy Bridge which is too old.  PID and VID have been verified on each build.  Any suggestions?

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Hello @pocopico

huge thanks for the great effort in putting together tinycore loader process - I have successfully configured a 3617 on baremetal using tinycore - I've installed the following Raid card Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2108 and able to see it with lspci -nnq in the terminal while dsm 7.0.1 is running, however none of the (6) drives connected to the card show up in storage manager  ( I have 4 other drives connected to onboard sata and those work fine) - i've added the megaraid_sas driver in tinycore and built the loader but no luck - should I be using a different driver or is this card not supported?


any help would be appreciated!



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3 hours ago, danellis12561 said:

So I double checked and I get the same results when making sure it boots to USB instead of SATA.  I swapped out the drives for (4) 3TB SAS drives.  I tried a different flash drive and different USB ports.  I've tried 3615xs and 3617xs.  I haven't tried the 918+ since the processor is Ivy Bridge which is too old.  PID and VID have been verified on each build.  Any suggestions?


Does the bios contain anything like an x2APIC setting? I've found that it being enabled on my T330 will mess things up since the Kernel is older and probably lacks these additional ACPI configure capabilities.

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6 hours ago, danellis12561 said:

So I double checked and I get the same results when making sure it boots to USB instead of SATA.  I swapped out the drives for (4) 3TB SAS drives.  I tried a different flash drive and different USB ports.  I've tried 3615xs and 3617xs.  I haven't tried the 918+ since the processor is Ivy Bridge which is too old.  PID and VID have been verified on each build.  Any suggestions?

I have the same issue. I have the T320, with h310 SAS card. Ive tried everything and nothing so far. I use the right .ko and everything. It's possible there's other .ko that are needed. 

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18 hours ago, dodo-dk said:

@turbolars do you use acpid (powerbutton) on 3617? I have test it and it don't work with Proxmox. Or I do something wrong. on 918 and 3615 it works.


Ah ******* I notice that now I rarely use powerdown or restart on the esxi host but indeed, Power off and restart via esxi does not work. Power down in xpenology no problemo. will add this to known issues :P I installed open-vm-tools from open-vm-tools 7.0.1  found that one on openos.org

that is the only one that actually works. but it doesnt solve the power down / restart issue in esxi.


16 hours ago, john_matrix said:

Thanks for the feeback ;-)

Is it still required to disable Internet connection during the installation/migration?

Yes I did disconnect the nic via esxi when dsm installing started and waited for 5 minutes. However there is currently no update available so i really cant say if it's necessary or not. I just thought better safe then sorry will test on a new machine next week or so.

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Hi all,


I wanted to try this on my HP microserver gen8, with the DS918+.

Creating the bootloader was no problem, followed the steps described here.


Used the serial for the ds918+ when downloading the image, and the script is downloading the drivers, i did get 2 faults on my ethernet controller. but this could be because i have 3 ethernet ports in my system.


The problem is when i reboot the machine, i select the usb option.

And the system is booting up.


At this point the machine should come online to install the pat file.

But after 10 minutes it's still not visible. I think there is a problem with my network card. but i don't understand why.
I have the dsm 6.2 running on the machine, and used the same settings in the user_config. but it isn't starting.



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5 minutes ago, HvanEik said:

Hi all,


I wanted to try this on my HP microserver gen8, with the DS918+.

Creating the bootloader was no problem, followed the steps described here.


Used the serial for the ds918+ when downloading the image, and the script is downloading the drivers, i did get 2 faults on my ethernet controller. but this could be because i have 3 ethernet ports in my system.


The problem is when i reboot the machine, i select the usb option.

And the system is booting up.


At this point the machine should come online to install the pat file.

But after 10 minutes it's still not visible. I think there is a problem with my network card. but i don't understand why.
I have the dsm 6.2 running on the machine, and used the same settings in the user_config. but it isn't starting.



DS918+ is intended for video transcoding, it can't run into Gen8 
open ILO connection via ssh to check serial output.
Should be better if you should use DS3615xs or DS31617xs bromolov or broadwell  

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On 2/5/2022 at 10:02 AM, Rebutia said:

Hi all, I am trying to build a DS3617xs in tinycoreloader on a baremetal platform with 10gbe HP Ethernet controller. The same bare metal hardware works on Tinycore redpill DS918+ w/10gbe HP Ethernet controller. However, with "./rploader.sh build broadwell-7.0.1-42218" command, the following error message is shown. It seems that pocopico.ixgbe is supporting to ds3617xs_42218u2, version not matching the ds3617xs_42218 platforms?


In addition, when visiting https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/rpext-index.json


the code for ds3617xs_42218u2 is:


"ds3617xs_42218u2": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/ixgbe/releases/ds3617xs_42218.json"


in which the above link is "404 not found" too. Thanks all for your kind attention.



take it apart 10Gb card, make loader, install, reboot, check if all is working, shutdown, put it back 10 Gb card, switch on.
You can perform installation without 10Gb card, it can be viewed by DSM after installation.

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Thank you so much @pocopico for you amazing work !


I managed an DS918 over proxmox 7 very easy with your tool.

I tried to integrate the acpid extension (for the shutdown via Proxmox) but I have an error every time I try .


The command is ./rploader.sh ext apollolake-7.0.1-42218 add https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/blob/develop/redpill-acpid/rpext-index.json


return is:

parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 7, column 10

[-] Extension loaded from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/blob/develop/redpill-acpid/rpext-index.json (id: ) is invalid: index JSON file is unparsable. Please report that to the extension maintainer via help URL

[!] The index file for https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/blob/develop/redpill-acpid/rpext-index.json extension is invalid - please report that to the extension maintainer


*** Process will exit ***


Same error with ./rploader.sh ext apollolake-7.0.1-42218 add https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/blob/main/redpill-acpid/rpext-index.json


Any idea ?


Edited by boulete
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7 hours ago, Aigor said:

DS918+ is intended for video transcoding, it can't run into Gen8 
open ILO connection via ssh to check serial output.
Should be better if you should use DS3615xs or DS31617xs bromolov or broadwell  


Hi Aigor,


I changed the bootloader with the bromolow-7.0.1-42218, and it worked like a charm.

Did a migrate to this version, had no problems.


Turns out that the onboard ethernet isn't working with the script.
Got it connected with a 2nd ethernet card, and it's working perfectly now.


Thanks alot.

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Hey guys. As some of you know I've been trying to install DS3617xs on a Dell Poweredge T320 with SAS card Dell Perc h310. When trying to install DS3617xs, Im always able to get to the install screen, but always get at 56% install possibly a corrupted file. When I try to install DS3615xs, I can only get to where is trying to detect the hdd and then it says nothing found. The only extension that I use is the megaraid_sas which is specific to the card (h310). Mpt extension (none of them) dont work.  Is there something I'm missing as far as why Im at least able to get to the install screen on DS3617 and not DS3615 with extension megaraid_sas?  Thanks.

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Le 03/02/2022 à 22:13, superma87 a dit :


this thread has a lot of redundad information:

someone there got cache working too on dsm 7

short answer is patch the libnvme library with you pci id and copy it back to your system

another Chinese post with "detailed" instructions, just translate it


(feel free to test it before messing your system and/or your data)


Thanks !! that made the trick !

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12 hours ago, HvanEik said:


Hi Aigor,


I changed the bootloader with the bromolow-7.0.1-42218, and it worked like a charm.

Did a migrate to this version, had no problems.


Turns out that the onboard ethernet isn't working with the script.
Got it connected with a 2nd ethernet card, and it's working perfectly now.


Thanks alot.

have you checked if tinycore recognize TG3 when you run rploader.sh ?


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On 2/6/2022 at 12:59 AM, Dvalin21 said:

I have the same issue. I have the T320, with h310 SAS card. Ive tried everything and nothing so far. I use the right .ko and everything. It's possible there's other .ko that are needed. 

Do we need to have a crossed flashed to IT mode so it can be seen ??? Dell R320 with H710 SAS card ??? Was able to make a loader with the EXT added and it says no drives found. 

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21 hours ago, Dvalin21 said:

Hey guys. As some of you know I've been trying to install DS3617xs on a Dell Poweredge T320 with SAS card Dell Perc h310. When trying to install DS3617xs, Im always able to get to the install screen, but always get at 56% install possibly a corrupted file. When I try to install DS3615xs, I can only get to where is trying to detect the hdd and then it says nothing found. The only extension that I use is the megaraid_sas which is specific to the card (h310). Mpt extension (none of them) dont work.  Is there something I'm missing as far as why Im at least able to get to the install screen on DS3617 and not DS3615 with extension megaraid_sas?  Thanks.

what's your port maping ???    I'm getting no drives found I'm using a R320 with a H710, I guess we have to crossflash them to IT mode. Maybe ? I sent to get one already flashed and will try to see what happens...

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2 hours ago, painkiller895 said:

what's your port maping ???    I'm getting no drives found I'm using a R320 with a H710, I guess we have to crossflash them to IT mode. Maybe ? I sent to get one already flashed and will try to see what happens...

I found this in one of the other threads. This may work for you. Install 6.2.3 and look for /etc/synoinfo.conf. Take look into the file and you will see the internalport,  usbport, and esataport.  https://hedichaibi.com/fix-xpenology-problems-viewing-internal-hard-drives-as-esata-hard-drives/ Also take a look at https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/13525-how-to-configure-sata_args-in-grubcfg/#comment-100044 also https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/14224-tutorial-fix-skipped-hdd-numbers/

Also look at this example (not sure what the netif stuff is so i would ignore that)
  "extra_cmdline": {
    "vid": "0x0951",
    "pid": "0x1603",
    "sn": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "mac1": "XXXXXXX",
    "mac2": "XXXXXXX",
    "netif_num": "2",
    "sata_remap": "24\\>2:25\\>3:26\\>10:27\\>11:28\\>12:29\\>13"
  "synoinfo": {
    "maxdisks": "24",
    "esataportcfg": "0x0000",
    "usbportcfg": "0x0000",
    "internalportcfg": "0xffffff"
  "extensions": [

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