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[SOLVED] DS Finder: Alerts from other owners' machines


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First, a big thanks to all the people who have shared their knowledge on this board. You've made staging and launching DSM both in my home and office a real pleasure.


Now, here's one for the storybooks: the machine I have running in my office is humming along nicely. I have all of the DS mobile apps running on my ipad and iphone. But several times a day, DS Finder reports alerts such as improper shutdowns and overheating from machines that are not mine. In fact, about 1/2 of the alerts are in other languages (French and Chinese).


The slight kick from seeing other people's NAS reports quickly gave way to concern about possible security flaws in the software. Of course I'm less concerned about people seeing my errors (and fortunately I haven't yet had any) than possibly talking back at them.


I'm running DSM 4.2 under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. DS Finder is tunneling through a VPN so I have no idea how it's in touch with these other networks.


I have found no other reports of this online and thus no suggested fixes. Any ideas?

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I had the same problem with the mobile apps, and never found a solution. First I thought they might be test messages, but when they turned up just when I connected to the network (like, the exact moment the connection was made successfully), I discarded it. I think it is just some faulty programming.

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