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Hi all,


I'm running Hyper-V and using pass through disks. How does Synology determine the drive order and which bays the drives should be assigned to?


With an ASMedia card, the drives seem to be assigned to the right order.


With a Marvell card, the orders are switched.


In Hyper-V I have the same SCSI IDs and Passthrough Disk Order assigned ... so what else could cause the drive order to switch?




I had a similar situation when I was playing around with Syba contollers (JMB chipset) and Supermicro (Marvell chipset).


I checked out how the disks were appearing in the motherboard BIOS with each controller (which also changed according to the PCI slot!) and then DSM. Couldn't work out the exact reason but came to the conclusion its a combination of PCI slot/controller chipset SATA channels being interpreted by the system and DSM.


If you export the dsmsg file I think that shows all the drives and their controller channels so that might help you work out whats happening on your system


I rebooted the VM and now the drives are in the correct order - very strange. I would have thought Virtualization would hide physical hardware device IDs, etc.

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