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Should I use Hypervisor with XPEnology?


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I see a couple of advantages:

* You don't have to worry about drivers. All drivers used by the hypervisor should be included in the boot image (Hyper-V or ESXi)

* You'll be able to run multiple virtual machines on the same server. Some (resource heavy) packages may be better installed outside of DSM such as Plex (personal opinion)

* It's easier to spawn a new virtual machine and test updates before applying these to your "production" environment

* Easier to get support from the community as quite a lot of us run XPenology in a virtualized environment


If you want the experience to be as close as possible to a physical installation I would recommend to use ESXi and pass-through your SCSi controller to XPenology.

That way you'll be able to get native SMART support. Your data should be as safe or unsafe regardless of method used. You should always have a proper backup strategy in place.

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I followed your advice, but I'm having problems to create volumes inside DSM on vSphere 6.0.


I have added the hard disks, but when I try to create the volumes I receive the message: "Connection failed. Please check the connection settings"


Which I don't have a clue as the network card is working



This problem happens also on bare metal!!


I`m using DSM 5644.1 XPEnology Boot and PAT.


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I know this happens if you add a small virtual hard drive to the volume.. like when you create a virtual machine and try to add a >16GB hard drive and try to make a volume.

Please post a screenshot of your HDD/SSD section and tell us how many GB every disk is. :smile:

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