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[SOLVED]Recommend A 1st Build: GA-E350N or ASUS Asus C60M1-I


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Noob here. I have a homebuilt WHS 2011, with existing mobo incompatible with XPEnology ( Gigabyte GA-D525TUD ). I want to upgrade to XPEnology compatible board. I'm thinking about the Gigabyte GA-E350N. One person said it worked fine on DSM 4.2, but I wanted to make sure before I go ahead and buy the thing on eBay for $81.00:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gigabyte-Ultra- ... 46109f8e86

Gigabyte GA-E350N specs:

Lan: Realtek 8111E

Sata: AMD A45 FCH


I've searched the site extensively, and just want to make sure it's compatible with DMS 4.2. Does anyone know for sure?


And, also, if anyone has opinions about that board versus others, I'm all ears. It just has to be itx to fit in my "case."


I also see an ASUS that works: Asus C60M1-I, which may be available, for $80

http://www.amazon.com/Asus-C60M1-I-SATA ... -+AMD+A50M

Any opinions on which board is better? Or suggest another. Any advice very appreciated.


EDIT: I'm not actually sure the Gigabyte GA-D525TUD was incompatible - I never actually tried to install XPEnology onto it. I think I was pressed for time and didn't want to try the install unless I knew it would work.

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Cool, thanks! It sounds like you have the GA-E350N-USB3 version of this board. I can only find the older non USB3 version for sale. Do you know if it has the bios reset issue, (or any other issues?)

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I have the non-USB3.0

I am satisfied with it, although, in the beginning i was dissapointed that i bought the non-USB3.0 version but what the hell, i'm not using USB :smile: (well just for booting the DSM)


I guess all Gigabyte MBs have this dual-bios protection.

I would say just to buy it. I would go now for a MB with dual bios, lots of sata ports (not just 4) and m-itx format (prefferably haswell) but i'm crazy. What i have is more than what i need :smile:))

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I went ahead and ordered it, from Amazon. $70.00 shipped.

Yes, Gigabyte dual bios is nice. It has saved me a few times. I just have to remember to update both bioses, so I don't get weird bios resets, at least on my overclocked sandy bridge hackintosh.

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How are your (Network) transfer speeds?

Could you go into a little more detail about your set up please? I see you have 4 Drives but are using a raid card, are you not using the onboard sata?

Also your using a USB - GIGABIT Ethernet adapter?


I have one of these boards and DSM would be a great use for it (I bought it to build a small home server) so I would love as much information as you can give me :grin:



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