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RedPill - the new loader for 6.2.4 - Discussion

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31 minutes ago, Amoureux said:

not a good idea. I think it will be right to wait for the support of the driver injection from the redpill side


Let's say I share the reservation that things might become ugly to maintain and new problems might be introduced.

I must admit I am not realy keen to spend time on research about what would needed to be done.


Personaly I prefer to wait for the official redpill implementation as well :)




Edited by haydibe
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5 hours ago, p33ps said:


Could you please be more specific about this?

In my case there were lot of logs like this:


kernel: DMAR: DRHD: handling fault status reg 3

kernel: DMAR: [DMA Read] Request device [05:00.0] fault addr fffe0000 [fault reason 06] PTE Read access is not set


It looks like there is an error in kernel (it is not the latest one) in iommu. After disabling this driver my NAS is rocket solid :) (excluding strange logs from bootup ;-))

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Do you guys plan to work on a DS920+ release instead of 918+? Or it's just too much work?


I'm asking because I figured that DS Video won't work with HWA transcoding for hevc because it's based off the 918+ (Intel UHD500 - j3355/j3455, not UHD600 - j4105/j4125), so the DS Video authentication doesn't even check for hardware acceleration on hevc.

It would be a nice update from my baremetal jun's DSM6.2.3 918+ to a DSM7 920+. ❤️ 

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2 hours ago, icaroscherma said:

Do you guys plan to work on a DS920+ release instead of 918+? Or it's just too much work?


I'm asking because I figured that DS Video won't work with HWA transcoding for hevc because it's based off the 918+ (Intel UHD500 - j3355/j3455, not UHD600 - j4105/j4125), so the DS Video authentication doesn't even check for hardware acceleration on hevc.

It would be a nice update from my baremetal jun's DSM6.2.3 918+ to a DSM7 920+. ❤️ 

 I bet an AMD variant first will bring more benefit.  I vote for 1621+

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4 hours ago, abesus said:

In my case there were lot of logs like this:

It looks like there is an error in kernel (it is not the latest one) in iommu. After disabling this driver my NAS is rocket solid :) (excluding strange logs from bootup ;-))

Good to know that you have found a solution! I have the same problem. Where did you add it? 



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9 hours ago, icaroscherma said:

Do you guys plan to work on a DS920+ release instead of 918+? Or it's just too much work?


I'm asking because I figured that DS Video won't work with HWA transcoding for hevc because it's based off the 918+ (Intel UHD500 - j3355/j3455, not UHD600 - j4105/j4125), so the DS Video authentication doesn't even check for hardware acceleration on hevc.

It would be a nice update from my baremetal jun's DSM6.2.3 918+ to a DSM7 920+.  

This is a very good idea. I also hope to be able to use the bootloader of DS920+ instead of DS918+

But this may require more work or something. So, I can only wait. 

Edited by HiWJQ
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10 minutes ago, yanjun said:

Could you help to build Aquantia 10G (AQC107) driver for 918+ 7.0 as well? 


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The lines below are a /var/log/messages output when syno is indexing some photos and videos:


2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: G1Licence.cpp:79 Licence not Success,error msg "SN format is wrong."
2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: SYNOCodecPatentG1.cpp:246 ValidateG1Licence failed


Also, from activation.conf file:


root@OXLZ:/var/log# cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

{"success":false,"msg":"SN format is wrong."}


However, the SN & MACs added to the boot are from an original DS3615xs. I am missing something?



Edited by p33ps
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I have a misunderstanding on how to get a .bsp patch for DSM 7.0.1 rc,
This is what i did:

1) Extract zimage with the extract-vmlinux

2) Patch vmlinuz with patch-ramdisk-check.php

#php patch-ramdisk-check.php vmlinuz vmlinuz.1
Generating patch for vmlinuz
Found .rodata at 81 60 00 00 in vmlinuz
Found "3ramdisk corrupt" at ff fd bd 0f in vmlinuz
LE arg addr: 0ebd6d81
Found pritk arg @ ff cc 62 2b
Found printk MOV @ ff cc 62 28
OK - patching 7417 (JZ) to eb17 (JMP) @ 13394470
Patched 2 bytes in memory
Saving stream to vmlinuz.1 ...

3) Then patch vmlinuz.1 with patch-boot_params-check.php

php patch-boot_params-check.php vmlinuz.1 vmlinuz.2
Generating patch for vmlinuz.1
Found .init.text at ff cc 30 00 in vmlinuz.1
Looking for f() candidates...
Analyzing f() candidate @ ff cf 0e 78
[?] Found possible f() @ ff cf 0e 78
        [+] Found LOCK-OR#0 sequence @ ff cf 0f c2 => f0 80 0d 36 84 22 00 01 [RIP+(dec)15832056]
        [+] Found LOCK-OR#1 sequence @ ff cf 10 18 => f0 80 0d e0 83 22 00 02 [RIP+(dec)15832056]
        [+] Found LOCK-OR#2 sequence @ ff cf 10 56 => f0 80 0d a2 83 22 00 04 [RIP+(dec)15832056]
        [+] Found LOCK-OR#3 sequence @ ff cf 10 69 => f0 80 0d 8f 83 22 00 08 [RIP+(dec)15832056]
        [+] All 4 LOCK-OR PTR offsets equal - match found!
Patching OR to AND @ file offset (dec)13569988
Patching OR to AND @ file offset (dec)13570074
Patching OR to AND @ file offset (dec)13570136
Patching OR to AND @ file offset (dec)13570155
Saving stream to vmlinuz.2 ...


ls -l vmlinuz.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14174320 11 sept. 17:54 vmlinuz.2



bsdiff  vmlinuz vmlinuz.2 patch_sort.bsp
ls -l patch_sort.bsp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 180 11 sept. 17:58 patch_sort.bsp


I don't understand why my bsp file is much smaller than the one you made


ls -l zImage-001-3615xs-42214-ramdisk-and-header.bsp
-rwxr-x--- 1 jim root 164235  3 sept. 19:10 zImage-001-3615xs-42214-ramdisk-and-header.bsp


Can you explain steps I am missing ?


Thank you all of you for this great work !

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5 hours ago, p33ps said:

The lines below are a /var/log/messages output when syno is indexing some photos and videos:


2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: G1Licence.cpp:79 Licence not Success,error msg "SN format is wrong."
2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: SYNOCodecPatentG1.cpp:246 ValidateG1Licence failed


Also, from activation.conf file:


root@OXLZ:/var/log# cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

{"success":false,"msg":"SN format is wrong."}


However, the SN & MACs added to the boot are from an original DS3615xs. I am missing something?



Regarding your SN..... 


SNs for ds918 are different then those intended for Ds3615xs 


3615xs = xxxxLWNxxx

Ds918 = xxxxPDNxxx


So you need to get a proper SN for your loader/model! You can not just add any SN you can get! 

Edited by Kamele0N
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On 9/4/2021 at 4:50 AM, tocinillo2 said:

Sorry for the late reply:


6.2.4 with UEFI: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N-edu-y_p6yE7bmRAY6sqgnzDaIagQqY/view?usp=sharing


Works perfectly with 10 HDD SATA (2 sata pci-e controllers 4 port/each + 2 motherboard sata ports). Same img with 7.0 doesn't work ("error detected in sata port and disabled"). Baremetal with J4125M


Used this Alpha bootloader to upgrade a spare box using an Asrock J3455-itx motherboard running DSM 6.2.3-25426 update 3.  Removed thumb drive with Jun's v1.04b DS918+ bootloader and inserted thumb drive with the above RedPill 6.2.4 alpha bootloader.  After powering up and when prompted for migration of drives, performed a manual install of DSM 6.2.4-25556.  After installation, DSM 6.2.4-25556 recognized my Storage Volume of 4 drives, the onboard NIC and extra NIC.  Upgrade went smoothly.  Testing with Plex Media Server and Emby Media Server with live tv and other content.

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On 9/9/2021 at 8:28 PM, jumkey said:

not tested

make CONFIG_SYNO_LSP_RTD1619=y CONFIG_R8168=n CONFIG_R8168_PG=n CONFIG_R8125=m CROSS_COMPILE=/root/build/apollolake-DSM-7.0-toolchain/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu- -C /root/build/apollolake-DSM-7.0-toolkit/build/ M=`pwd` modules


r8125.ko 200.34 kB · 15 downloads


Has anyone tried this driver? 

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7 hours ago, p33ps said:

The lines below are a /var/log/messages output when syno is indexing some photos and videos:


2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: G1Licence.cpp:79 Licence not Success,error msg "SN format is wrong."
2021-09-11T14:53:45+02:00 OXLZ synocodectool[32291]: SYNOCodecPatentG1.cpp:246 ValidateG1Licence failed


Also, from activation.conf file:


root@OXLZ:/var/log# cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf

{"success":false,"msg":"SN format is wrong."}


However, the SN & MACs added to the boot are from an original DS3615xs. I am missing something?



Same here. Also real SN/MAC Bug in 7.0.1 RC Version?! 

BUT, Face Detection in Photos is working here with the 3615 version, 918 dont work.

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In my case, 918 boot with original s/n and mac. Everything works perfect, even quick connect and transcode. Activation.conf is ok. But face detection fails...


synofoto-face-extraction[2372]: /source/synophoto-plugin-face/src/face_plugin/lib/face_detection.cpp:214 Error: (face plugin) load network failed
synofoto-face-extraction[2372]: uncaught thread task exception /source/synofoto/src/daemon/plugin/plugin_worker.cpp:90 plugin init failed: /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-face.so


synofoto-face-extraction[2372]: /source/synophoto-plugin-face/src/face_plugin/main.cpp:22 face plugin init
synofoto-face-extraction[2372]: uncaught thread task exception /source/synofoto/src/daemon/plugin/plugin_worker.cpp:90 plugin init failed: /var/packages/SynologyPhotos/target/usr/lib/libsynophoto-plugin-face.so


¿Any idea?

¿Can you share the 3615 boot?



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