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First Time Help Please


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Hi everyone, so I really love my current Synology Disk Station but I really wish I bought one with more CPU and RAM. I was able to grab a Dell R610 server from my job to use at home and I really want to install DSM on there but I have no idea how.


From all the How To Guide's they all seem kind out of outdated and confuse the heck out of me since Ive never done this before.


Is there any updated How To's with the 5.2 update or can someone walk me through the install?


I appreciate any help


Thank you

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Up to date might be a problem but all guides are pretty much the same, it's just about matching up the right .pat files and .img files.


I personally use fma965 guides here:

http://cyanlabs.net/Thread-Installing-S ... tive-Guide


There's also:



The downloads are here:



You'll want any of the XPEnoboot DSM 5.2 Boot Images depending on how you plan to install (vmdk for ESXi, iso or img for a bootable USB)

Then you'll need DSM 5.2-5592 DS3615xs Synology DSM.


Don't worry too much about the updates yet. I'm pretty certain update 3 works straight through the GUI without any tinkering; just two or three reboots.

Do NOT update to 5.2-5644. It's not ready yet, you'll only break your system.

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