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Moving to a new Machine


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Trying to get some help to figure out the best approach for this migration. I have 6.2.3 installed on hardware in my signature. Im moving to a Dell Precision 5820 . I plan on putting in my current drives into the new machine. 


Plan is to:

  • Install new DSM on an Oracle VM (1.03b 3615xs. Same as current setup)
  • Use existing drives and put them in the new T5820


What would be the best way to migrate the two? Do i just create the vm with a temp VDI and then once its up, add the 2 HDD to the computer and then point them to the VM in Oracle?


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Aright so I did poke around but couldn’t find anything related to oracle.

Clearly I need setup a test vdi and then I’ll prob take the 2 old HDD and plug them in.

I guess my real question is, won’t I need to create a new vdi on the 2 new disks? If I do that then it’ll likely format the data.

Also each drive is 3tb. Is the best way to do this to add 2 vdi of 3tb each and then Setup BRTFS once dsm is installed?

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@Kamele0N would you be so kind to link it? I did so much digging last night (more specifically looking for posts on this, this week) but came up empty handed. Im really excited for my new machine to arrive but trying to figure out how im going to migrate this is stressing me out. (I had an incident a while back where i nearly bricked my machine) 

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after figuring out what i did wrong i cleared all partitions on the drive and reinstalled dsm. in storage manager i get an errror
i also noticed in disk management that after dsm gets installed its creating 2 partitions. 2.38 and 2gb the rest of 9.86 is unallocated space. How do i resolve the dsm errors?



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