jman Posted September 20, 2015 #1 Posted September 20, 2015 Hello, I have xpenology running on virtual box which is running on windows 7 I want to add a remote share from windows 7 to the audio station so it can play music. However the media indexer can't index remote shares so I have been trying to symlic know it to a folder in the standard music folder. When I try: Mount --bind \\\\***.***.*.****\\G /Volume1/music/ext *** = ip numbers and extra \ are included since it strips them out otherwise It tells me that no such file of directory exists. Help please! J
cruse Posted October 3, 2015 #2 Posted October 3, 2015 that's a simple question. It's not good to mount via samba on DSM. You can try the NFS protocol, useful for every host platform. For win, you can install haneWIN to set up an NFS server. In DSM, login with root user(the same passwd as your admin passwd) via ssh,"mount /volume1/mountpoint"(also can write into rc if you want to mount automatically.) Regards.
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