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I have a question about the legality of using XPEnology. I am really intrigued about XPE, I have run most other free versions of Linux based NAS software, of which so far my favorite is OpenMediaVault by far, but I have tried FreeNAS, OpenNAS, Amahi and others I cannot remember, but then I read about XPEnolgy and gave it a shot and really thought is was by far the best Linux based NAS software. I went to Google and tried searching for it and was eventually able to find a place to download both files needed but also found alot of dead links and some warnings about Synology giving cease and desist letters which threw up a big warning flag in my head about whether some one cracked Synolog's code and posted it, because if Synology agreed with everyone using their software, why the cease and desist letters. I would really hate to use the software and then all my files to be wiped out by Synology when they get pissed off and find a way to release a version that deletes un certified versions of their software.

I have a question about the legality of using XPEnology. I am really intrigued about XPE, I have run most other free versions of Linux based NAS software, of which so far my favorite is OpenMediaVault by far, but I have tried FreeNAS, OpenNAS, Amahi and others I cannot remember, but then I read about XPEnolgy and gave it a shot and really thought is was by far the best Linux based NAS software. I went to Google and tried searching for it and was eventually able to find a place to download both files needed but also found alot of dead links and some warnings about Synology giving cease and desist letters which threw up a big warning flag in my head about whether some one cracked Synolog's code and posted it, because if Synology agreed with everyone using their software, why the cease and desist letters. I would really hate to use the software and then all my files to be wiped out by Synology when they get pissed off and find a way to release a version that deletes un certified versions of their software.


its called rolling the dice and not giving a flying f*ck. Its a test lab / personal lab would suck if they did delete media, but again this is all done for education purposes not for any kind of monetary gain.. if they want to cease and desist let them do it. :smile: I'll just install windows 2012 r2 server and not have to worry. if they want to play hard ball


I'm with those sentements too, but think that Synology have used open source code to develop DSM so have benefited from the skills of people around the world and so they can't get angry if a great team like those who bring us XPE use the same skills to make the DSM 'interface' more widely available.


I suspect they are quietly pleased that DSM has a wider reach and also think if you polled XPE users 1) most have real Syno kit or 2) would be likely to buy it for production use having played with XPE.


There used to be stories that Microsoft let people easily pirate their O/S and software products to make them more pervasive and create a 'monopoly' :smile:


btw, I'm a real Syno user since a DS106, now have DS1812+/DX513 and several DS411j. I 've used XPE to build a bare metal 16 drive as a backup jukebox letting me use all those old HDD's lying around - and its FUN !


Same here, I have a real Synology box too in addition to my N54L. I would be happy to pay Synology for a supported version of DSM that I could install on my own hardware.


I also have a real syno DS1813+, plus owned another in the past. my interest here is to get some use out of older hardware. I installed in on an old Intel NAS, a handful of older core 2 era systems, plus a brand new system for cases that I need plex to have some trans-coding power.


I am far more likely to buy another real syn because of the existence of XPenology.

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