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Help installing DSM 5.2 on QNAP TS-251


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hi guys


i'm trying to install Xpenology to my TS-251. Install was successful over USB dongle (still no do on the DOM) but i have some issues:


- cannot update to update2 of DSM5.2 (stuck at 100% and doesn't reboot)

- disk number are wrong, instead of 1 and 2, i got 3 and 4.. i'm playing with internalportcfg=0x000c (and esata disable because this NAS doesn't have) but nothing

- disk hibernation seems to not work

- USB3 doesn't recognized (i think missing driver)

- FAN is set to automatic on BIOS (no option for PWM like the old TS-269) and no option on the DSM to pilot


Anyone can help me?



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i give up..


i've solved problem with FAN using lm-sensors and compile my own module, but today i was back at work where i left the NAS and was locked..

without source it's impossible to adapt.. i'll put back QTS 4.2 and hope QNAP will release updated version of mobile App.. or may be i will sell this NAS and get a new DS215play (when it will be released)


thanks anyway to Jman420 for the support



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