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Please advice how to migrate from PC based XPEnology to VM based XPEnology under ESXi.


My current setup is:

Simple PC

Disk #1 (compact flash disk - IDE adapter) > boot image

Disk #2+#3 (2 Tera each) > DSM and 1 volume (Synology Hybrid RAID)


The setup I wish to create:

Simple PC


>>VM Guest

>>> virtual disk #1 - boot image

>>> disk #2 + #3 - connected to guest as RDM (raw device map)


I will set the ESXi hypervison and guest, and I will create and modify the virtual disk for the image boot.

The only thing that I need is a best practice, how to take the 2 HD that were connected to the PC-XPEnology and make them work with the VM XPEnology, without loosing data and settings


Thank you




I think you just need to create a virtual disk with the same copy of the image and then define your disks as RDM.

I did it the other way - started under ESXi and then went to bare metal by building the same version of bootloader on USB. DSM didn't notice.

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