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Xpenology on RPi 4


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I found this project for Raspberry Pi 4 --> https://shop.allnetchina.cn/collections/sata-hat/products/quad-sata-hat-case-for-raspberry-pi-4


and I have spare Raspberry Pi 4 at home, so I wonder if Xpenology can be installed on Raspberry Pi 4, I mean some Synology NASes have ARM CPU, so I think there should be ARM support.


Thank you

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This is a question which has been asked a few times before. In short: there‘s no loader available which supports ARM. Somebody has to reverse engineer an appropiate Synology and I don‘t think that this will ever happen. Think of the fact that Jun is the only one who has released a  working loader for DSM 6. If it would be that easy then there would be many other loaders.

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26 minutes ago, tomsk said:

and I have spare Raspberry Pi 4 at home, so I wonder if Xpenology can be installed on Raspberry Pi 4, I mean some Synology NASes have ARM CPU, so I think there should be ARM support.


xpenology uses a hacked bootloader and its specific for a model each, all three are x86_64


maybe OMV is a nas for you?




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