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Cant install dsm 5.1-5022


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i've created boot pen with XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.1-5022.3 x64 all fine, when i try to install dsm from web interface he block at 57% and say file corrupted error 13.


i've tryied much but doesnt fix someone could help?

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if you mean about boot is all okay, in the bios ther'isnt any other hdd settings.


anyway i formatted the hdd with other pc, but the result is the same, could it depend from the fact that is a old notebook?

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I've seen where a hdd in a computer will work with Windows but not with Synology/Xpenology. Testing the hdd in another PC is not the best test. Was that a quick or long format?


You can try installing a linux distro like Ubuntu onto the laptop as a slightly better test.

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No exactly. You can boot without HDD at all, hard drives need during DSM instalation only and you will not able to install DSM without properly configured hard drivers. Are you sure you have no RAID settings in your BIOS left?

Old notebook should not be a problem unless the kernel of xpenology bootloader has no suitable hdd drivers for it chipset.

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i'm 100% sure that there' isnt any raid settings in bios, anyway i installed nanoboot 4528 with ds 3612xs without problem but if i try to upgrade or install ds 3615xs with dsm 5022 he gives me the same error 13 or 21 depending from the type of installation, 13 with web assistant and 21 from synology assistant...at this point it seems theres no reason for no working of it...but he dont want to work.


any other option to try?

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