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Input Please: Building All-In-One NAS, Surveillance, HTPC


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I'm currently running separate machines for the following...


i5 Laptop running: XBMC / Kodi & Blue Iris

Syno DS1512 running lots of native and 3rd party apps for media, etc


I'm tired of the so-so performance of the Syno and considering building an AIO system since I can run an HDMI from a closet near my TV and have the AIO server away so noise is not an issue.


Any suggestions on what might be the best (easy + cost effective) solution for this?


Should I run something like a cheap Dell or HP server or workstation?

Should I run VMware Workstation for XPEnology and then have Kodi & Blue Iris run on the host Win7 OS?

other things to consider?


thank you for the input!

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You cannot run programs with graphical output on DSM.

Maybe a raspberry pi 2 is an option? I'm using it atm with OpenElec, it rocks! (and finally decent performance compared to the rpi1)


Should I run something like a cheap Dell or HP server or workstation?

Nope, the power consumption on these things is crazy. (They are cheap for a reason)

Build your own server with the latest architecture, and keep it as small as possible. Look in this forum for suggestions.

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