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Help! Automatically restart after a power failure


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Hello, no no solution for this problem?

Now with the latest update, I can no longer check "Automatically restart after a power failure" Every time I "apply" it delivers alone. So when it's a crash, I have to be in front of the tower to start because it will not start by itself.

thank you



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Yes this is enabled in bios option.


For several days my NAS randomly cutting brutal way.

In the logs, I have a warning "System booted up from an improper shutdown", and I receive a notification by mail "DiskStation encountered a power cut and turned off incorrectly.".

I met no power loss problem, the NAS is connected to a UPS.


Has that ever happened to anyone here?


Now with the latest update, I can no longer check "Automatically restart after a power failure" Every time I "apply" it delivers alone. So when it's a crash, I have to be in front of the tower to start because it will not start by itself.


Thank you in advance! sorry I do not speak English translation :sad:



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