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Virtualizing an existing Synology NAS / Server ESXi 6


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I am an XPEnology user - my NAS is a Supermicro X9SCL-F-0 with a Xeon 1230v2 and 16GB RAM. Pretty much overkill for a simple Synology DiskStation, no?


I have two storage controllers - the onboard Cougar Point 6 and an LSI 9112-4i SAS controller.


I was using all 6 of the SATA ports on the Cougar Point controller for a RAID-10 array using WD 2TB Green drives (a mixture of EARS, EZRXs, etc.). I had the intention of using the LSI controller to use for running ESXI 6 to host virtual machines.


Anyway, I already had this NAS going and all my data was stored to it. Although I have a backup, I didn't want to just start over from scratch.


I couldn't find any guides or posts about anyone trying to import a volume into a new Synology DiskStation OS Install. I've seen plenty of people creating RDMs for their NAS, but I was pretty sure this would involve wiping my data. So, I thought, what the heck, I'll just try a new install in ESXi and see what happens if I try and pass through the storage controller using VT-d.


Turns out that since I could pass through the Cougar Point controller using VT-d (and hence the RAID-10 array), after I installed XPEnology as a virtual machine and passed-through the PCI device, Synology Diskstation OS loaded up my settings and data just like nothing had happened! It saw the "volume1" mount and loaded it up just like it was running off bare metal.


The only downside I am struggling with now is that I can't get the Diskstation VM to communicate with my UPS. I'm thinking I might have to host a PowerChute server --- but this should be totally feasible now that I have my ESXi 6 layer :wink:


Any ideas?





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You can pass through your UPS as well, further there is NUT client for esxi on some French site, just google for it, set NUT at DS as master and at esxi as slave.

I have router plugged into the same ups as esxi, so for me nut master is on the router and both DS and esxi are slaves.



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