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/usr/syno/avahi/services/http.service: Invalid record


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Hi all,


I install the XPEnology system version is DSM 5.0-4528 Update 2.


My XPEnology server worked around one week and then halt. I rebooted it by button on/off. After reboot the server didn't responde via http://:5000. But server still available via ssh. Also I can connect to the server folders via afp. The server is not possible to remotely restart or shutdown. The server can be shutdown only by button on/off. And after many reboot of the server it didn't responde via http://:5000


In the log file /var/log/messages at the end there is the following error:


Feb 6 20:04:20 kds hotplugd: hotplugd.c: 1352 goto USB disk, szDeviceName = sdu

Feb 6 20:04:20 kds hotplugd: volume_parts_info_get_by_dev.c: 89 Dev: sdu can not find PostfixNumber.

Feb 6 20:04:20 kds hotplugd: write to uart2 error, error = (5) Input / output error

Feb 6 20:04:20 kds synocheckshare: synocheckshare_vol_mount.c: 47 Export Share [uSB] [/ dev / sdu1] [/ volumeUSB1 / usbshare]

Feb 6 20:04:21 kds avahi-daemon [20083]: Failed to add service 'kds' of type '_http._tcp', ignoring service group (/usr/syno/avahi/services/http.service): Invalid record

Feb 6 20:04:21 kds synocheckshare: servicecfg_internal_lib.c: 513 Failed to reload service. [0xD300 servicectl_job_reload.c: 40]

Feb 6 20:04:21 kds synocheckshare: share_external_vol_export.c: 507 SLIBServiceTypeReload (FILE_PROTOCOL) failed

Feb 6 20:19:17 kds synomkflvd: synoidx_system.cpp: 36 [NOTICE] system is not ready? start anyway.

Feb 6 20:19:17 kds synomkthumbd: synoidx_system.cpp: 36 [NOTICE] system is not ready? start anyway.

Feb 6 20:19:20 kds synoindexd: synoidx_system.cpp: 36 [NOTICE] system is not ready? start anyway.




Anybody help me please to restore a NAS server


Best regards,


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