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Mac File Service Won't Start


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I have tried two versions of DSM 5.0: 4493 and 4528. Neither will allow me to start the Mac File Service (AFP). Considering one of the reasons for running XPEnology was for Time Machine backups. When I click on enable Mac File Service and then apply . . . I get a pop up that says Operation Failed. that is it. No error code. I reboot, reinstall, and same error. Any ideas?

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I remembered that I had the same issue when I set my dad's 2 Disk Synology up over the summer. I couldn't get AFP to start, After a couple of hours of searching I found an obscure post that fixed it. I had to turn some random thing off in DSM, that didn't seem related at all, turn on AFP, an then turn back on the thing I turned. For the life of me I can't remember what that was. If I find it again, I'll post it here.

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