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I have a Synology 1812+ and now i installed a new synology with Xpenology. Everythink work fine, but i whant use a cluster and i must have a same model.

I Have modified the grub.conf but the model stay same DS3612xs.

#serial --unit=0 --speed=115200

#terminal serial

default 1

timeout 3


fallback 0


title SYNOLOGY_1

root (hd0,0)

kernel /zImage root=/dev/md0 syno_hw_version=DS1812+ ihd_num=0 netif_num=4

initrd /rd.gz


title SYNOLOGY_2

root (hd0,1)

# cksum /grub_cksum.syno

# vender /vender show

# hw_model

kernel /zImage root=/dev/md0 syno_hw_version=DS1812+ ihd_num=0 netif_num=4 mac1=00113208d68a sn=B3J4N23001

initrd /rd.gz


Someone can help me plz.


File: stage2

seg000:0000DEDE 0F 8E 89 05 00 00                       jle     model_0x3A_0x40
seg000:0000DEE4 C7 04 24 2D 00 00 00                    mov     [esp+48h+var_48], '-'
seg000:0000DEEB E8 FD 38 01 00                          call    serial_port_READ
seg000:0000DEF0 C7 04 24 52 00 00 00                    mov     [esp+48h+var_48], 'R'
seg000:0000DEF7 E8 F1 38 01 00                          call    serial_port_READ
seg000:0000DEFC B8 36 00 00 00                          mov     eax, 36h
seg000:0000DF01 89 45 F4                                mov     [ebp+var_C], eax


offset seg000:0000DEFC have the command "mov eax, 36h"


0x36h - synology model code.


MICROP_ID_710p = 0x31, /* '1' */
MICROP_ID_411p = 0x33, /* '3' 411+II is the same*/
MICROP_ID_1010p = 0x32, /* '2' */
MICROP_ID_1511p = 0x36, /* '6' */
MICROP_ID_810p = 0x35, /* '5' */
MICROP_ID_810rp = 0x34, /* '4' */
MICROP_ID_2211p = 0x37, /* '7' */
MICROP_ID_2211rp = 0x38, /* '8' */
MICROP_ID_2411p = 0x39, /* '9' */
MICROP_ID_3411xs = 0x43, /* 'C' 3412xs is the same */
MICROP_ID_3411rpxs = 0x41, /* 'A' 3412rpxs is the same */
MICROP_ID_3611xs = 0x42, /* 'B' 3612xs is the same*/
MICROP_ID_712p = 0x44, /* 'D' */
MICROP_ID_412p = 0x45, /* 'E' */
MICROP_ID_1512p = 0x47, /* 'G' */
MICROP_ID_1812p = 0x46, /* 'F' */
MICROP_ID_812p = 0x48, /* 'H' */
MICROP_ID_812rp = 0x49, /* 'I' */
MICROP_ID_2212p = 0x4A, /* 'J' */
MICROP_ID_2212rp = 0x4B, /* 'K' */
MICROP_ID_2413p = 0x4C, /* 'L' */
MICROP_ID_10613xsp = 0x4d, /* 'M' */
MICROP_ID_3413xsp = 0x4e, /* 'N' */
MICROP_ID_913p = 0x4f, /* 'O' */
MICROP_ID_713p = 0x50, /* 'P' */

  • 3 months later...



From where did you get the stage2 grub file, I guess stage1 & 1.5 are almost "regular" but there are a lot of feature in stage2 added by Syno.


I was also wondering why we could not find sources for the modified grub (I'm not sure about the licencing model grub belong to).


I also be very pleased to know which kind of patching do you set in the genuine Stage2 for the xpenology project.


Thanks a lot

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