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Streaming to iPad from DSM 5.0 Beta


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Is this possible?


I've searched all over the net for a solution but can't find nothing.


Basically I'm trying to stream to my iPad from my Xpenology DSM 5 beta server.


I've just bought Plex for my iPad but it's unable to connect to my server. I can access the server from Plex for Android through my Moto X.


How are the rest of you streaming to your iPad's?

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Mine doesn't even see the server. Just says unable to connect when I try from my iPad Air Plex app.


I can connect from my Android app on my Moto X but it will only allow me to stream music. If I try to stream any video files, I get an error saying Oops there's been an issue followed by an error saying it can't play the file.


I've opened port 32400 on my router successfully and also tried to disable my Synology firewall completely but no luck.

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