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Show off youre nas case build :)

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Bought this LIAN case for 20 bucks AR&C (After Rebate & Coupon):

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 394&cm_sp=


And still debate between this dual core combo 30 bucks AR&C:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 364&cm_sp=


Or this quad core combo 40 bucks AR&C:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 412&cm_sp=


Or might just buy either one of these MB for 35 bucks now and wait a little more for a bargain CPU:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 341&cm_sp=

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 384&cm_sp=


Or might just jump onto either one of these CPU:

http://www.microcenter.com/product/4181 ... MD+-+Top+2

http://www.microcenter.com/product/4372 ... _Processor


These i7 CPU is not really a bargain price so I might wait a little more till it drop around 150-170, but I will definitely follow this case mod:

http://www.overclock.net/t/566798/proje ... ld-updated


So can you show off your build? :wink:

Posted (edited)

Here you go;




Currently running XPenology, but going to switch to FreeNAS again when I get my virtualization whitebox. (For iSCSI, virtualize XPenology)


- AsRock C2750D4I

- 16 GB ECC memory

- Ri-vier 2U 12bay chassis with SAS backplane -RVS2-06A

- HP dual Gigabit low profile card



Replaced the loud fans with quiet RPM's and connected them to the motherboard instead of the backplane.

Running cool, quiet and more then enough grunt for home use!

Edited by Guest

Wow, that's a good one :wink:


I'm not really dedicated on HW so only buy when it's low, I meant extremely low like I only spent 40 bucks for my Xpenology system with 1.6 GHz Atom, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 16GB SSD, 64MB USB, 450W PSU, mini-ITX MB and Case... so it doesn't look as good as yours :sad: and still in process to collect HW for a better system with at least i7 ... but believe me, it's never look good like yours since already mentioned that I'm only buying HW when it's extremely low :shock:


No worries, everyone starts somewhere!

I bought the NICs second hand to get some lower costs. Theres no problem in buying parts one at a time, I did this too.

PS: Not sure why you would want an i7. Are you going to run a hypervisor?


Here you go;




Currently running XPenology, but going to switch to FreeNAS again when I get my virtualization whitebox. (For iSCSI, virtualize XPenology)


  • AsRock C2750D4I
  • 16 GB ECC memory
  • Ri-vier 2U 12bay chassis with SAS backplane -RVS2-06A
  • HP dual Gigabit low profile card



Replaced the loud fans with quiet RPM's and connected them to the motherboard instead of the backplane.

Running cool, quiet and more then enough grunt for home use!



that is a SUPER SUPER nice case.




I'm running a coolmaster 120 with a Q1900DC-itx.


I have so much open space in the case because I don't need a power supply. (It uses a laptop brick)

I'm currently running 4x 1.5TB drives. Just picked up a Mini PCIe controller and a SATA power Y splitter. Hoping to get 2 more 2TB drives I have sitting around into the system if the 90w powersupply can hold it out.


I will be ordering this case when I finalize the hardware and know that I can run 6 total hard drives. Then I can use the Coolmaster to fit a mITX build with a large video card and PSupply.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6811112339



I like to keep everything small and simple. The whole idea of building a new NAS was to reduce all the large towers I have around the house into mITX boxes with 1-2 SSD's and half decent gaming GFX cards.









really appreciate all the help I get on here. Especially from member, Schnapps


Here's mine:


https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-6gjR ... 201718.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-y4Cc ... 201727.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-2uOj ... 201745.jpg

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-avg_ ... 201757.jpg

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-eiz8 ... 201946.jpg


Warning, they are high resolution :razz: I haven't gotten around to making it better yet. Planned to make aluminum and plexi panels/sides, and customize the heatsink to make the case shorter. So the hardrive rack fan is flush with the motherboard I/O panel.


Anyone know where to get heat pipes from in the US, relatively cheap? I need to bend my own to make my heatsink the orientation I need to make the case shorter.

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