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Can not add another NIC on ESXI 6.7 U2


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im trying to add another NIC to my 918+ XPenology on ESXI 6.7 U2, but whatever I do XPEnology only shows the first interface.


ESXI Configuration :




My grub config :


set vid=0x1908
set pid=0x0226
set mac1=000C29BE2428
set mac2=000C29BE2432
set rootdev=/dev/md0
set netif_num=2
#set extra_args_918='earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 earlyprintk loglevel=15 memmap=0x1000$223515000'
set extra_args_918=''

I configured the mac2 and set netif_num=2 that seems to be anything to do however the DSM UI only shows one ethernet adapter as does ifconfig. Anybody got an Idea what I'm missing?
System was a physically Synology DS918+ before.


Edited by Byolock
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found a solution, if anybody might running into an similar problem :

  1. login over ssh
  2. navigate to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
  3. delete anything related to eth1 (might better move them somethere else so you can restore in case anything goes wrong)
  4. Reboot
  5. You might encounter connectivity issues (for me docker and package manager had no connection to the internet) another reboot fixed that for me.
Edited by Byolock
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