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New Nas Hardware Config


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Enabling Dual Channel memory mode will double the original memory bandwidth.


so only using one DIMM will result in lower performance


realtek lan chips are not 1st choice but as this chip is part of the 918+ it is part of generic dsm driver set (if it work with the original driver needs to be tested, if that is of importance)


"T" type only use max 35W, might be a better choice when it runs 24/7, but 9xxxT seem not available atm


if it does not have to by miniITX, FlexATX give more options for the same money, more pcie slots


"only" 4 SATA Ports onboard, there are also chipsets having 6 ports


i dont know about hardware transcoding with that 9th gen cpu, if thats of interest you might search the board for it, in some cases a slightly older cpu can be a better choice


my choice was Gigabyte B360M HD3, nearly the depth of miniITX and a little wider (because of 4 pcie slots)

keeps you open for options like more sata ports with 4/8 port card and 10G nic's usually have 4x, some 8x pcie


in general this should work with the 918+ image

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14 minutes ago, Thomas126a said:

the mb should work with Xpenology 918 image?

yes, but you can have a look into the update section lots of hardware infos




14 minutes ago, Thomas126a said:

also is there a „small“ 4-5 3,5inch HDD Case you can recommend?

that depends on the limits you set

my where h max19cm,  d max 40cm, w max 55cm and i wanted ti integrate 10-12 disks

i came up with Streacom F12C (expansive), SST-PS13B Precision Midi-Tower, Kolink Victory A Midi-Tower

ended with a SST-GD09B and reworking it,  throwing out all inner stuff and building a wooden frame for the disk to fill up the front with 12 disk, replacing disk will be pain that way but when using HGST disks thats minimal (never lost a 4TB drive in 5 years, 12 disks raid6), its quiet and compact (living room)

Silverstone DS380 always looked nice for a easy build, but usable for micro/FlexATX (btw. i was wrong above my gigabate it's microATX, so even wider but less depth then FlexATX, just 185mm, had miniITX before and had to squeeze something into the GD09 housing and miniITX is a problem when you want 12port, 10G network and cpu you can replace)

but silverstone has other options (now)



here the board sizes (max), helps to decide about limits to set

Mini-ITX    170×170
Mini-DTX    203×170
FlexATX    229×191
µATX        244×244
DTX        203×244
ATX        305×244


but they can be smaller (as seen with my choice, but that can be hard to find, i ended up looking at photos on geizhals to find a flexatx that was smaller)


also most "normal" cases have not a good thermal management, when putting in a lot of disks that it can be important to have air on all disks, so its also good to check the manual for airflow


www.caseking.de has a good selection option to slim the candidate list

but you can also try a simple "nas case" search on amazon or google, you might find something interesting


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