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Nanoboot Problem on virtual box - Wireless Connecting?


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Trying to get Nanoboot to install on a Windows 7 running Virtualbox. I have downloaded the iso of 4493 and booted with this, so far, so good.


I have got through till the end and it says "Excution Error" followed by asking for a Diskstation login


I guess this is root but the password isnt 101-0101


Any ideas please?





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Okay, so more googling around and I have now downloade the synology assistant


I have booted that up and I can see the DSM but i when i get through to the last stage to actully install, it tells me i cant connect


Any ideas?



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Well quite happily to admit my mistakes


You must connect via a ethernet cable adapter, not a wireless adapter. Thats what you get for trying to install at 3am in the morning!


So, on to the next challenge!



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So, its up and running but i have one more problem


How to connect it to my wireless adapter. If i include it in the bridge, it fails, so the only way I can connect is to connect via the bridge between my unplugged ethernet connector and the virtual adapter.


Any ideas?



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