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Gnoboot/LSI 2008


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Hey guys,


been out of the loop for a while and am now trying to get up an ESXi based XPE setup...


I've installed it using gnoboot 10.3 and DSM 4458; upgraded to gnoboot 10.5 afterwards but still have the issue taht the disks on my HBA do not get found.


So i am running an SAS GBA in passthrough mode (LSI 2008) - that one is reckognized as per dmesg

 2.592852] mpt2sas0: LSISAS2008: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x03), BiosVersion(
[    2.592860] mpt2sas0: Dell 6Gbps SAS HBA: Vendor(0x1000), Device(0x0072), SSVID(0x1028), SSDID(0x1F1C)
[    2.592864] mpt2sas0: Protocol=(Initiator,Target), Capabilities=(TLR,EEDP,Snapshot Buffer,Diag Trace Buffer,Task Set Full,NCQ)
[    2.592972] mpt2sas0: sending port enable !!
[    2.602774] mpt2sas0: host_add: handle(0x0001), sas_addr(0x5b8ca3a0ef8fdb00), phys(8)
[    2.603023] mpt2sas0: port enable: SUCCESS
[    2.608780]

but the drives attached to it are not listed in the gui...


Additionally i get some erros i cant relate to...

  31.676435] dsmnotify.cgi[19078]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000804ccb8 sp 00000000ff9501d0 error 6
[   31.725653] storagehandler.[19079]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ffc771a0 error 6
[   36.946616] storagehandler.[19208]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ffcf6350 error 6
[   37.206249] storagehandler.[19357]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ff9c4040 error 6
[   41.972417] storagehandler.[19512]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ff9e2350 error 6
[   62.383542] dsmnotify.cgi[19565]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000804ccb8 sp 00000000ff83dc10 error 6
[   62.433985] storagehandler.[19566]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ff8a3910 error 6
[   82.804877] storagehandler.[19623]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ffad6560 error 6
[   92.989251] dsmnotify.cgi[19664]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000804ccb8 sp 00000000ffa418f0 error 6
[  103.214506] storagehandler.[19711]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ffa778a0 error 6
[  123.659637] dsmnotify.cgi[19766]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000804ccb8 sp 00000000ff8c59c0 error 6
[  123.738049] storagehandler.[19767]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ffb87860 error 6
[  144.347314] storagehandler.[19835]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000809e298 sp 00000000ff971eb0 error 6


So whats my (hopefully stupid) mistake here? I am sure there are many ppl out there using that HBA successfully:)



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Ok, stupid indeed;) SAS connector was not seated properly :sad: Sorry.


Next interesting issue is that XPE is not able to restore a Raid spanning two channels - leaving me in quite a bad position with my old 5 disk raid 5 :sad:

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