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DSM 5.0-4482 is out


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Nothing big.


Version: 5.0-4482



Compatibility and Installation


After installing this version of DSM on DS214play, the device will shut down and then power on automatically after two minutes.

Change Log


Added the GeoIP* feature in Firewall settings, enabling you to allow or block IP addresses from certain countries.

Added an option to save files in UTF-8 (with BOM) format in Text Editor.

Fixed a security issue of Windows File Service to prevent remote attackers from obtaining access. (CVE-2013-4496)

Fixed several security issues related to cURL. (CVE-2014-0139, CVE-2014-0015, CVE-2013-6422)

Fixed an issue where CGI programs could not run on Personal websites.

Added feature to disconnect user connections to HTTP(S) services after a user's password is changed.

Improved the stability of iSCSI target service.

Improved the stability of file transfers via Apple File Protocol.

*This feature includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.


I'm a DS713+ owner and up to now I didn't try this upon any XPEnology so you're welcomed to report whether your XPEnology can apply the update and how you managed to do it.

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