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gnoboot & DSM 5.0-4482 - Experiences?


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Hi all,


my NAS just bumped me, that DSM 5.0-4482 is available.


According to the release notes:

- Added the GeoIP* feature in Firewall settings, enabling you to allow or block IP addresses from certain countries.

- Added an option to save files in UTF-8 (with BOM) format in Text Editor.

- Fixed a security issue of Windows File Service to prevent remote attackers from obtaining access. (CVE-2013-4496)

- Fixed several security issues related to cURL. (CVE-2014-0139, CVE-2014-0015, CVE-2013-6422)

- Fixed an issue where CGI programs could not run on Personal websites.

- Added feature to disconnect user connections to HTTP(S) services after a user's password is changed.

- Improved the stability of iSCSI target service.

- Improved the stability of file transfers via Apple File Protocol.

*This feature includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.


Has anybody tested that on gnoboot already? Maybe even on a HP N54L? And with an Upgrade from DSM 5.0-4458?


I know that this is very quick after a release, but somebody needs to start that discussion :wink:



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Search for other threads in this forum. There is a big one with more than 80 comments about gnoboot and sime guys already tried to update(me also) and failed. Wait for a general xpenology release and follow the threads.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Synology has released an update DSM DS3612xs 4482 installation on vmware, using gnoBoot 10.3, 10.5 for installation in the menu prescribed version 4482, otherwise installed and the result I was not formation


100% CPU usage and after entering the DSM report:

Abnormality detected on DiskStation. All volumes have been unmounted.

And synchronization error with the time server ...


checked everything twice, the Dalai migration from 4458, but the result is the same wheels fall off, it feels that it specifically does synology.

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Don't try to update, synology added new security measures, it will unmount your volumes.






How did you proceed to perform the update


Despite the command:

sed 's/flashupdateDeb/flashupdateDeb1/' /autoupd@te.info > /autoupd@te.info1

mv /autoupd@te.info1 /autoupd@te.info



I am entitled to an error:

Impossible to have access to the TEMP directory



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I've managed to install 4482 using gnoboot 10.5 inspired by this post http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2152&start=820#p16617.



1. Under GRUB main menu, navigate to "gnuboot.me", then press [Enter] key.

2. Under second menu, let the first item "gnoboot-5.0-4458 (install/upgrade/downgrade" selected, then press [e] key.

3. Press [down] key to highlight the second item "kernel /zImage gnoboot_me=5.0-4458", then press [e] key again to enter the grub edit mode.

4. Now you can manually change the version number from 4458 to 4482, then press [Enter] key to compile editing and go back to the former screen.

5. Make sure the highlighted item has been changed to "kernel /zImage gnoboot_me=5.0-4482", then press key to boot from this item.


Hence, using browser to upload 4482 pat image file. The installation will complete smoothly.

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I've managed to install 4482 using gnoboot 10.5 inspired by this post http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2152&start=820#p16617.



1. Under GRUB main menu, navigate to "gnuboot.me", then press [Enter] key.

2. Under second menu, let the first item "gnoboot-5.0-4458 (install/upgrade/downgrade" selected, then press [e] key.

3. Press [down] key to highlight the second item "kernel /zImage gnoboot_me=5.0-4458", then press [e] key again to enter the grub edit mode.

4. Now you can manually change the version number from 4458 to 4482, then press [Enter] key to compile editing and go back to the former screen.

5. Make sure the highlighted item has been changed to "kernel /zImage gnoboot_me=5.0-4482", then press key to boot from this item.


Hence, using browser to upload 4482 pat image file. The installation will complete smoothly.

You say the installation will be completed smoothly, but are you also saying you don't have the all volumes dismounted problem afterwards?

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It's a strange thing. The new 4482 version kills all data volumes' device node under /dev directory. Even if I manually add back the block device node using "mknod" command, they will be removed immediately.

Edited by Guest
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Does anyone know if there a way to get the .pat file for 5.0-4458 with update 2 incorporated since the gui now only wants to update to 5.0-4482?


The update 2 is not a single file, but a collection of files with a configure file under root directory.

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Thanks for the great work.


Just FYI:

I tried upgrading my system from 4458 to 4482 using jasonhan's guide. It keeped my Volume, shares and users, but unmounted all disks, the wired thing was that I could still write to the shares. The volume and data was there, but in DSM GUI, there was no disks, wired.

I then went back to 4458 update 2, no problem.

Hopefully gnoboot can figure it out.

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Does anyone know if there a way to get the .pat file for 5.0-4458 with update 2 incorporated since the gui now only wants to update to 5.0-4482?


Change the update settings to only show important updates and you will see the update 2 and not 4482. :wink:

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Well that was easy but...


Model name:


Current DSM version:

DSM 5.0-4482

DSM date:



Your DSM version is up-to-date.



GNOboot image to new USB stick

edit as per post above this one

boot, upgrade from PAT file

(upgraded from a trantor 4.3 build)

all data, users, apps intact (only had 2 apps installed anyway)

-Storage Manager - Overview shows No Volume information

-Storage Manager - Shows info on capacity used/available accurately

-Storage Manager HDD/SDD - blank


System Notification says - Abnormality detected all volumes unmounted

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i used ultraedit


I appreciate the response, assuming you were responding to me, but you didn't actually answer my question. As I stated, I know how to perform the action of editing the files, I just don't know where they are located or how to get to them.

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i used ultraedit


I appreciate the response, assuming you were responding to me, but you didn't actually answer my question. As I stated, I know how to perform the action of editing the files, I just don't know where they are located or how to get to them.


Inside DSM 5 in the File Explorer there is a Text Editor installed. Use it.

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Thank you for the replies. My confusion comes from the fact that I don't see my USB drive in DSM. I had to update my synoinfo.conf files to make DSM see my additional hard drives (I've got 17 drives). Since I didn't care about having my USB drive show up in DSM, I didn't pay much attention to the USB port configuration. I guess I'll have to revisit that (or just take the USB drive out and use another computer to make the changes).

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