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Upgrade possible from 4.3 3810++ (trantor) to 5.0 gnoboot


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Hello everyone,


I have been reading up on the latest developments ( :grin: keep up the good work :grin: ) and I was wondering if it is possible to do an upgrade from the 4.3 from Trantor using synoboot to the 5.0 from gnoboot using gnoboot or do I have to wait until Trantor releases his 5.0 version? I didn’t really found a straight answer to this question. I already did a test clean install of DSM 5.0 with gnoboot on an intel 2700MUD motherboard and that runs fine as far as I can see. If the upgrade/switch from 4.3/5.0 synoboot/gnoboot is possible how will bootstrap react to this upgrade. Will it still be available?


Thank you for your answer.





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Hello Jokies,


Thanks for the advice. I did the upgrade without really big issues. I am only running into one problem at the moment:


As I discovered that mysql isn't used anymore but is replaced with mariadb I installed the mariadb package. When I want to start it it gives me the following error:


failed to start mariadb with custom my.cnf


It would be much appreciated if someone has a solution for me. I have googled for the issue but I didn’t found a answer that solves the problem


For other users how are thinking about upgrading here is the little things I ran into:


When doing the upgrade I chose the first option to preserve all my data and most of the settings. When the upgrade was done and I was logged in I had the scare of my life. All my shared folders were gone. Thank god I made a backup. When I logged in with WINSCP I saw that all my folders were still there. What the problem was is that you have to reassign the right’s for admin for all your folders in DSM. After doing this everything was ok.





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Hello Jokies,


Thanks for the advice. I did the upgrade without really big issues. I am only running into one problem at the moment:


As I discovered that mysql isn't used anymore but is replaced with mariadb I installed the mariadb package. When I want to start it it gives me the following error:


failed to start mariadb with custom my.cnf


It would be much appreciated if someone has a solution for me. I have googled for the issue but I didn’t found a answer that solves the problem


For other users how are thinking about upgrading here is the little things I ran into:


When doing the upgrade I chose the first option to preserve all my data and most of the settings. When the upgrade was done and I was logged in I had the scare of my life. All my shared folders were gone. Thank god I made a backup. When I logged in with WINSCP I saw that all my folders were still there. What the problem was is that you have to reassign the right’s for admin for all your folders in DSM. After doing this everything was ok.






SSH into your server & try the following:


vi /volume1/@appstore/MariaDB/etc/mysql/my.cnf


comment OUT the "bind-address ="


Save & restart MariaDB

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Hello Dfds,


thanks for your reply. The sollution didn't work. This is my current my.cnf. Would you be so kind to have a look if something else is off? Maybe another thing. I looked for mysqld.sock in the pad stated in socket = but it is not there



port = 3306

socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock



#bind-address =

port = 3306

socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


key_buffer_size = 16K

max_allowed_packet = 1M

table_open_cache = 4

sort_buffer_size = 64K

read_buffer_size = 256K

read_rnd_buffer_size = 256K

net_buffer_length = 2K

thread_stack = 240K

innodb_data_home_dir = /var/services/mysql

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/services/mysql

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 16M

innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M

#innodb_log_file_size = 5M

#innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M

#innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

#innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50




max_allowed_packet = 16M






key_buffer_size = 8M

sort_buffer_size = 8M





# Please add your custom configuration to here:

!include /usr/syno/etc/packages/MariaDB/my.cnf


thank you for your time and help





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When doing the upgrade I chose the first option to preserve all my data and most of the settings. When the upgrade was done and I was logged in I had the scare of my life. All my shared folders were gone. Thank god I made a backup. When I logged in with WINSCP I saw that all my folders were still there. What the problem was is that you have to reassign the right’s for admin for all your folders in DSM. After doing this everything was ok.

I've read number of times that the admin rights disappear when doing the upgrade - but from where do you reassign the admin rights? The command line or from the GUI somewhere. Please enlighten me. :smile:

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When doing the upgrade I chose the first option to preserve all my data and most of the settings. When the upgrade was done and I was logged in I had the scare of my life. All my shared folders were gone. Thank god I made a backup. When I logged in with WINSCP I saw that all my folders were still there. What the problem was is that you have to reassign the right’s for admin for all your folders in DSM. After doing this everything was ok.

I've read number of times that the admin rights disappear when doing the upgrade - but from where do you reassign the admin rights? The command line or from the GUI somewhere. Please enlighten me. :smile:


Hello Zarocq,


I did it in the GUI under Control panel/shared folder. Then click on a shared folder and say edit and you can set the permissions for the admin user.





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I have had DSM 4.3 3810/Trantor running on my N54L server since mid oktober 2013 - rock solid!


Last weekend I did an upgrade from 4.3 build 3810 Update 4, Trantor to 5.0 4458 Gnoboot 10.5 on my HP N54L native (no VMware).

Did a no-no - selected upgrade instead of doing a clean configuration. :oops:

Well, most of it went fine - no dataloss at all! But a lot of settings did not make it through the upgrade, so I had to check all settings again anyway.

Missing admin rights on shares.

Missing http user-group - my web-server did not respond.

Packages were there - but all needed upgrade/reinstall.

PhotoStation had to be reinstalled.

System hang on reboot because of bad packages - had to kill some tasks to get the system up and running and to uninstall VPN and PhotoStation.


Thanks to all the posts here on XPEnology forum, I've got my system up and running again. What a great forum this is. :smile:


Next time I will follow the guidelines :oops: - and do a FRESH configuration install. Document your settings and set everything up again from the bottom.


I have DSM 5.0 4458/Gnoboot 10.5 running on my N54lL native and have another instance running on ESXi for test.


I followed this guide for using a unique serial and mac-address: http://thedarkcloud.net/configuring-gno ... -addresss/

Check out the rest of the guide on http://thedarkcloud.net - a lot of stuff to learn! :smile:


Also check out the great guides on http://cyanlabs.co.uk/.


Check out both sites and combine them - that's what I did. :grin:


And BIG BIG thanks to Trantor and Gnoboot for making this possible at all! You guys rocks!! :cool:

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Hello Username9876,


I did that and imported the settings back in de dsm 5, but got an error doing so. Maybe it was only on my machine so I can't say. If you give the right's back as discribed above everything would be ok. The rest of the settings were OK.





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