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Hi I have been looking for a storage solution for some time, played around with Freenas for about a week, then a friend suggested why not try XPEnology.  


Which brings me here.  Im not that technical im afraid so bare with me. 


My system is a collection of old parts.

Processor : Intel i5 2500k

Motherboard : Gigabyte P67A-UD7-B3(network card is onboard Marvell x2)

Ram : 8 GB DDR3

add on card DELL/LSI IT Mode 9207-8i SATA/SAS 6Gb/s PCI-E 3.0 Host Bus Adapter(recently purchased)

And an odd collection of drives Segate 2 and 4 tb

My install is baremeta using Juns loader ds3617_6.2

DSM DSM_DS3617xs_23739


Im currently having problems with the DSM detecting drives from the add on sata card( LSI 9207-8i in IT mode).

The drives do detect in its bios, but when coming into the DSM environment it does not show them.

As a test bench I have an old 320 sata drive as a simple disk running off the onboard controller, which works fine for about 2 weeks now. 

There are a few other problems however I would like to fix this issue of the add on sata card first.  


Iv been reading and search for about a day now but cant seem to find any relevant information.  Just that the 9207-8i is working in other peoples builds. 

But no information as to how they got it to work.  Im sure there are drivers in the currently boot loader  "synoboot_ds3617xs.1.03b". 

Iv come across many articles recommending the 9207-8i card.  There are 8 sata ports on the motherboard onboard controller, and a further 8 ports on the 9207-8i.

All help would be appreciated.









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Hi guys


ok so iv tried something different, I mounted and formatted 2 of the 8 4tb drives I had for the install in windows. 


No problems there. 


I then tried a fresh install(with another 2tb drive I had just formatted on the motherboards internal controller).  But still the same thing no drives detected from the 9207-8i card


I believe the card works, but I have a driver issue.  Could anyone with a DELL/LSI IT Mode 9207-8i help me out. 



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Iv just flashed the LSI to the latest firmware and bios still no luck with the drives being detected in DSM


Firmware               :  \firmware\HBA_9207_8i_IT\9207_8.bin           Version no:     Release date: 11-FEB-16

BIOS                       :  \sasbios_rel\mptsas2.rom                                 Version no:        Release date: 03-AUG-15



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