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Energy saving


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Hi all! I use Xpenology with a H110 Motherboard a G4400 CPU and 2x4GB RAM. I measured the power consumtion of the last week and it seems my System use 0,8kWh/24h

So that´s ok at all but I just wonder as i´m running it 24/7 how can I save more Energy? Would a SOC CPU help? Or can I adjust something in the BIOS???


Thanks at all!





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you dont say what you use the system for so there could be options for a 'lower spec' onboard cpu mobo (j3455  or j5005 for example) and with a lower power psu you might save a few watts. 

I have a j3455 running 6.1.x with two toshiba drives and using a pico psu and a 60watt 12 power supply and it works ok, I've not measured the wattage consumption but I think its 'low'

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В 08.03.2019 в 22:41, Biaggi051 сказал:

So that´s ok at all but I just wonder as i´m running it 24/7 how can I save more Energy?

Try this, seems it will help you to save more enegry on 3617 (on 918 it doesn't work).

You can add this script on the Task scheduler to start on system booting-up.

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