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BTRFS - Adding new drives to expand my storage



TL;DR : I want to expand my storage capacity and would like to double check with you if I can simply connect two new drives on my NAS without losing redundancy or any data on my actual RAID.


Hello everybody,

I’m not sure if I’m in the proper part of this forum to ask questions on this subject but feel free to move my post if necessary.

I’ve started my NAS with 3 x 1 TB hard drives configured in BTRFS (RAID 5).

I don’t have a lot of margin of error with only one drive failure accepted before losing every content on my NAS so I would like to add 2 more disks (same size, same brand).

I’m just not sure if BTRFS will let me expand my volume capacity without losing any data.

I’ve found this quick guide on Synology and it doesn’t seem to be a problem with BTRFS (which it is with ZFS for example) but I would like to double-check with you before ordering my two extra drives.




Thanks for the support,

Have a great day.


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3 answers to this question

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I finally find the solution, I will leave the answer here in case anybody has the same issue
Go to Storage Manager > Volume > Edit, then change the allocation size (can click on Max to allocate all)



Hello Pollux4092,

So, I've ordered 2 new disk to expand my storage capacity and I follow the instruction from the previously mentioned guide.


The Rebuid went fine and the volume state is back to normal.

Only problem is that my capacity is still at 3.63To even if I had 4To of drives. 

I can see the actual capacity set at 7.26To but the available capacity is still at 3.63To.

Is there anything else to do ? 


Thank you, 



Edited by Toasty
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Click on volume, then action

Here you can expand your volume by using your Disq inutilsé  ;)


It will take some time (days) but there should be no problems.


Tip: Do a extended smart test first. Rebuilding a RAID array is a very disk intensive task. If a HDD is about to fail, that will be the moment they tend to do so.


Good luck!

Edited by Pollux4092
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