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Help- Switching from SynoCommunity to Dockers



Does anyone have a dockers101 guide that is accurate? I’ve been using Synocommunity for the longest time for all my htpc software - Nzbget, sonarr, radarr, etc.   I tried installing dockers, and found the packages in the repository search from Linuxserver.   However that’s about as far as I got.   It says the docker is running, but I couldn’t access the nzbget webpage to customize the settings or anything.  


Thank you for any insight / direction!

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On 2/9/2019 at 8:59 AM, Olegin said:

ip:6789 doesn't work?

Started digging into the network section of dockers.   Figured maybe the bridge wasn’t setup correctly because the IP wasn’t working as you suggested.  Strangely enough....I was able to contact the NZBGet server IP if I used the internal port.   Ie connecting on default port 6789 results in timeout.  But connecting on port 32772 actually pulls up the NZBGET config screen? I’m so confused how that’s happening.  

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@Tuxx How to nzbget from https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/nzbget

As a rule, all information to start docker is in the discription of the container in https://hub.docker.com/ or in the docker file. I prefer to download and create containers from the ssh command line:

mkdir /volume1/docker/nzbget
mkdir /volume1/docker/nzbget/config
mkdir /volume1/docker/nzbget/downloads
id #will show your UID/GID to use in the next command 

sudo docker create \
    --name nzbget \
    -p 6789:6789 \
    -e PUID=1026 -e PGID=100 \
    -e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
    -v /volume1/docker/nzbget/config:/config \
    -v /volume1/docker/nzbget/downloads:/downloads \

here -e PUID=1006 -e PGID=100 - UID and GID of the DSM user, that create /volume1/docker/nzbget/config & /volume1/docker/nzbget/downloads

-e TZ=Europe/Berlin - your timezone

Now you can switch on your new container in the Docker webGUI.

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Now you can login to the nzbget docker from http:/your_ip:6789/ , login:nzbget, password:tegbzn6789

Edited by Olegin
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On 2/10/2019 at 4:13 PM, luchuma said:

go to port settings and set port you want (edit container)

i guess you left it blank so docker set auto port


Is any of that editable from the gui? I'm not anti command line, but I've already installed the container from the gui, and sounds like I simply need to edit some of the settings.  However - I don't see anywhere in the GUI where I can adjust those settings.  If it's simply a limitation of the gui, I'll trash the container, and start from scratch. Please advise.

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Alright... So i went nuclear.  Flattened everything.  Started from scratch and trying Plex first since the config is typically very simple.  Found this guide ( https://blog.rylander.io/2016/11/19/install-plex-on-synology-nas-using-docker/ ), and ripped through it.  Some of the screenshots are a little outdated, but generally worked well.  Left off the variables he recommended for timezone / version, because they seemed outdated and inapplicable.  Only problem - went to launch and host port 1900 and 5353 were already in use creating errors in the log.  I switched them to host port 53530/19000 in the container settings. Was able to successfully launch with no errors. Now, I'm able to access the web interface for plex like normal.  The problem is it doesn't seem to be locating my server.  I.e. there is no server tab in the settings section, where i'm able to point it at my media folders etc.  I'm assuming this might be linked to my ports change.  Thoughts?

Edited by Tuxx
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well.... i have no clue why.  but i left the house, came back a few hours later, and the plex container was showing up on the network, and plex app fully working.  Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.  I guess it maybe just needed some time after container launch to spool up? Who knows.  Thank you guys!

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