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DSM Upgrade from 5.x to 6.x Issues ASROCK Q1900


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I have Xpenelogy up and running for a year or so, but after attempting to upgrade the DSM I have had a bad turn of events. I can boot and and install the new DSM fine, but then after the reboot I get the "Diskation can't be found on this LAN" error. I have tried two USB sticks. I have checked the table on this post:



I have tried tried 1.02b w/ 6.1.7 DS3615, 1.03b w/ 6.2 DS3615, and 1.03b w/ 6.2.1 DS3617. Now when I attempt to reinstall I get an error when uploading the DSM that says "You have to use an installation file of 6.2.1-23824 or later (10) even if I try bootloader 1.02b. 

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It seems like one of your failed update attempts might have installed 6.2.1 on your HDD's system partition?

The "Diskstation can not be found" indicates an unsupported NIC with the bootloader/DSM combo used.


If you don't mind moving to the 918+ platform, you might be able to do so, using Jun's 1.04b bootloader.

That combo works great on one of my boxes, based on the AsRock Q1900-ITX

(it also worked with bootloader 1.03 DS3617xs, DSM up to, and including 6.2 update2, but not 6.2.1)


This mainboard uses RTL8111GR as the network chip, so before trying make sure your mb has the same.


Edited by bearcat
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