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chicken and egg problem: passthrough NFS to ESXi



So I installed xpenology 6.2 (DS3615) on ESXi 6.7. I passthrough a SCSI card to the xpenology VM NAS, then on the NAS I exported a NFS volume to the ESXi host. Back on ESXi host the NFS share is mounted as a datastore.


Everything works fine, until the ESXi host reboot! 😓 After the ESXi reboot, although I made the NAS VM auto boot at first, the ESXi won't mount the NFS share any more. I have to remove the datastore and add it back manually.  


Another thing I discovered is after the NFS share properly mounted on the ESXi server, then rebooting the xpenology NAS VM, the NFS datastore will keep alive after the NAS VM boot up.


I am looking for a solution here to solve this problem. I think I may need run a script in the NAS VM during its boot up to force the ESXi to re-mount the NFS share. Any help will be appreciated.  

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