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HP N54L 5.0 beta to 4458 upgrade


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Hi folks new user here.

I installed the trantor DSM 5.0 beta on my new HP N54L microserver. It worked great... thanks trantor for his hard work!.

With the release of DSM 4458, I was hoping to upgrade to that build with gnoboot apha 10.3. However, I keep getting the "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed" hang issue. Any insight on how I can get around this?


Thanks a ton.


And once again... Thanks Trantor and gnoboot for their great work. :razz::razz:

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Thanks for the advice gnoboot. I had to disconnect the SATA DVD drive to get gnoboot to boot. After that, the upgrade was a breeze. DSM 5.0 4458 upgraded and running nicely on my HP N54L.


Keep up the good work gnoboot.... Appreciate all your hard work!

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