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DSM 6.x Proxmox Backup Template


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Hi Everyone!


I'm sorry for creating this thread but after reading some topics I've found that somebody has any troubles with installing XPenology on Proxmox.

This also concerns me - I have a trouble with 6.2 on my Microserver Gen 8 with Proxmox on it - no network devices.


So, after some attempts I have a success with 6.2 DSM with 3615xs and 3617xs only with 6.2_23739 with manual Installation.

After fresh install I make a full backup, so this can be used as template. 


There are 6.1 and 6.2 of DSM version. 


So, You just need to copy this backup to Your Backup Directory in Proxmox and Restore it.

3615xs and 3617xs has successfully tested on HP MicroServer Gen 8 / Proxmox 5.3.5 | 5.3.6!

DS918 was successfully installed on SuperMicro SYS-1029P-WT with Intel Xeon Silver 4110. I've decided to publish it to for everybody too.


Download Link --------------->>>>>  MEGA.CO.NZ


There are some several important points:

  1. TWO Network Interfaces. First NIC is disabled. It has been done because for DSM first device must be with suitable MAC which is fixed in Grub. If You need multiple instance of DSM (as me) - it's costly to mofidy everytime Grub. So Second NIC uses any MAC address from Proxmox.
  2. TWO Disk Drives. Firsk disk - is bootable disk made by Jun! Don't try to use is as Storage. (maybe it's painfully, I haven't checked). Second Drive - it's a System Drive where was DSM has already installed. 
    1. Second drive capacity - 6 GB! For me it's suitable - I use free capacity 1.3 GB only for Software and another drive for everything. If You need more for System Drive - Just Resize Disk before first start/initialization. I have tested that there is no errors after resizing before first initialization.
  3. Boot Drive - Sata0. 


Edited by timonych
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@timonych good to know ;) i don't really use proxmox... i'm trying to switch from esxi... Some feedback,

After the restore do manual upgrade to DSM_DS3615xs_23824 : result no network
New restore:
Manual upgrade to synology_bromolow_3615xs_23739-1 : result sucess
Manual upgrade to synology_bromolow_3615xs_23739-2 : result sucess

Manual upgrade to DSM_DS3615xs_23824 : result no network

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There is information in Warning post that upgrading to 23824 with kernels 1.03b or below - no any custom network interfaces would be worked. 

Or just change to e1000e maybe usefull - there are feedbacks in 6.2x kernel thread. I have no success with that because I didn't find how emulate e1000e instead of e1000 in proxmox.

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В 10.01.2019 в 19:03, codedmind сказал:

and even that cannot have the 2384?

No, it cannot be upgraded to 23824.


4 часа назад, Nevexo123 сказал:

Hey, I tried using your ds918 images on my PVE 5.3.5, there's nothing on serial (COM 0) 

No, e1000e is not necessary. I have a success with ds918 and e1000 on Xeon Silver. 


The main requirement is CPU Haswell or newer.

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  • 4 weeks later...
В 08.02.2019 в 16:51, vanaema78 сказал:

So if I understand correctly, there is no way of updating the 3615xs DSM 6.2-23739 Update 2 to DSM 6.2.1?



It depends on bootloader by Yun. If he can made a new bootloader with E1000 driver than I can upgrade and publish new backup.

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1 час назад, codedmind сказал:

Anyone already tried to run esxi inside proxmox and then run xpenology ?


In theory there no any barrier, but You should use nesting virtualization in Proxmox under ESXi.


But for me it is strange to use Virtualization inside Virtualization to use XPenology. 

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2 hours ago, timonych said:


In theory there no any barrier, but You should use nesting virtualization in Proxmox under ESXi.


But for me it is strange to use Virtualization inside Virtualization to use XPenology. 

yah ... to me too but esxi is so slow 😕


I must have esxi to have xpenology... but then all my vm's are slow

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick question from a noob trying to learn Proxmox to virtualize DSM there (currently on bare-metal). I would like to passthrough all my disks so I can restore all my data and configuration... would this be possible by adding the physical disks to the VM? I'm currently on 6.1.7 with 3617xs on bare-metal as I said

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Just tried this but I'm getting an error when restoring it (and then when I power on the VM there's no boot device and it restarts in a loop)


restore vma archive: vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp40639.fifo /var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-xpenology-3617xs-6.1_15284.clean.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp40639
CFG: size: 471 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 54525952 devname: drive-sata0
DEV: dev_id=2 size: 6442450944 devname: drive-sata1
CTIME: Sat Jan  5 08:52:16 2019
command 'set -o pipefail && vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp40639.fifo /var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-xpenology-3617xs-6.1_15284.clean.vma /var/tmp/vzdumptmp40639' failed: storage 'LVM-SSD' does not exists


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17 часов назад, bluepr0 сказал:

Just a quick question from a noob trying to learn Proxmox to virtualize DSM there (currently on bare-metal). I would like to passthrough all my disks so I can restore all my data and configuration... would this be possible by adding the physical disks to the VM? I'm currently on 6.1.7 with 3617xs on bare-metal as I said


Yes, you can.


Just use this command in console:

qm set <vmid> -sata<id> /dev/<device>

and your disk will used by QM. 


<vmid> = ID of Your VM

<id> = Free Sata index

<device> = Your Disk


But this is QEMU / Proxmox question. not Xpenology.


32 минуты назад, bluepr0 сказал:

Nevermind, I took a look at some articles and it seems you need to use the --storage option


Of course. You need use --storage . I have made backup and restore via Web Interface.

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21 minutes ago, timonych said:


Yes, you can.


Just use this command in console:

qm set <vmid> -sata<id> /dev/<device>

and your disk will used by QM. 


<vmid> = ID of Your VM

<id> = Free Sata index

<device> = Your Disk


But this is QEMU / Proxmox question. not Xpenology.



Of course. You need use --storage . I have made backup and restore via Web Interface.


Thanks so much man, that's what I was doing actually! I read that you had to put the drives in the same position (so Disk 1 in your bare-metal has to be Disk 1 on your VM) but the VM already got 2 (sata0 and sata1) for booting up the system, so not sure if it will work... anyway I'm scrubbing my RAID because I erased the 2 SSDs I had for cache on Synology to install Proxmox and now my RAID is crashed LOL

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  • 2 months later...
8 часов назад, david008 сказал:

thanks a lot for backup templates.


Is possible ds video transcoding with this backup templates ???

Is necessary change serial number/mac ??


thanks again




1. I don't tested it. But as I know transcode if fully worked in DS918.

But I have install Plex into Linux Container CentOS 7. So, video transocoding for me is redundant.


2. In bootloader is not necessary to change Serial/MAC.


But You should change MAC Address  in Proxmox GUI for Second NIC. First NIC has a MAC 00:00:00 - it is dummy interface which is disabled by Proxmox GUI.

I have found this more easily configures that changing in Bootloader this settings.


First NIC interface takes MAC address from Bootloader. That's why this NIC is Disabled. But the Second NIC takes MAC from Proxmox GUI. That's why it's enabled and be reconfigured more easily.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello, you saved my life as i did a failed update.

And the best is that i could update to DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 2

I changed this in .conf (add e1000e in args:)

args: -netdev type=tap,id=net0,ifname=tap106i0 -device e1000e,mac=00:00:00:00:00:00,netdev=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x12,id=net0 -netdev type=tap,id=net1,ifname=tap106i1 -device e1000e,mac=00:00:00:00:00:01,netdev=net1,bus=pci.0,addr=0x13,id=net1

and uncomment net1 net2:

args: -netdev type=tap,id=net0,ifname=tap106i0 -device e1000e,mac=00:00:00:00:00:00,netdev=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x12,id=net0 
     -netdev type=tap,id=net1,ifname=tap106i1 -device e1000e,mac=00:00:00:00:00:01,netdev=net1,bus=pci.0,addr=0x13,id=net1

then : qm start <VMID>

then start, config, and update...

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