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Recherche Xpenology version DSM 5.0 4458


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DSM 4.3-3827 build fix the security holes.


Yes this forum is a mess, but I'm not the main admin, I can't optimize it.


During one day I set up a paypal account for donation, it was hacked the same day...

I only do it for fun and sharing, not for money.


Before working on DSM 5.0:

- I just finished my updated ESXi build (DSM 4.3-3827) this week-end.

- Done some download server maintenance.

- I'm currently finalizing beta 8 which add support for sound, bluetooth, wifi and maybe dvb.


Yes DSM 5.0 is a "big" update, but it doesn't add amazing new features, "just" refresh the UI.

I know you guys out there like the Up to Date way but in IT this is more If It Works, Don't Touch It ^^


So YES I will of course work on DSM 5.0, but when I will found time for it.


tu sais ce qu'il te reste a faire ... patienter :wink:

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