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Xpenology 5.4458 and DS audio


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Sorry if this i a noob question, but I used DS audio on my android a lot when I was running DSM 4.3 on my N36L and it worked perfectly streaming my music. However, today I updated to gnoboot/5.4458 which feels like a great update, it it smoother and prettier, but suddenly DS audio always says that "network is not available now" and I have no idea what could be causing the problem, anyone out there knows???

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This problom is easy to be solved.

You should find the file(menu_alpha.lst in gnoboot-alpha10.3-vfat.img).

And you should change it as follows.


------- menu_alpha.lst----------

timeout 5

default 0

fallback 1


title gnoboot-alpha

root (hd0,0)

kernel /zImage sn=B3JN00001 <= changed!!


title main menu

configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst


DS audio wil be working!!

Edited by Guest
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This problom is easy to be solved.

You should find the file(menu_alpha.lst in gnoboot-alpha10.3-vfat.img).

And you should change it as followw.


------- menu_alpha.lst----------

timeout 5

default 0

fallback 1


title gnoboot-alpha

root (hd0,0)

kernel /zImage sn=B3JN00001 <= changed!!


title main menu

configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst


DS audio wil be working!!



YOU ARE A GOD. Thank you very much for this fix. it worked like a charm.


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This problom is easy to be solved.

You should find the file(menu_alpha.lst in gnoboot-alpha10.3-vfat.img).

And you should change it as follows.


------- menu_alpha.lst----------

timeout 5

default 0

fallback 1


title gnoboot-alpha

root (hd0,0)

kernel /zImage sn=B3JN00001 <= changed!!


title main menu

configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst


DS audio wil be working!!



it's don't work for me! Can you help me please?

I correctly change this file, and reboot my DSM (5.0 gnoboot-alpha 10.4), but after that, no change.

(I'm French)

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You need to connect to your NAS with a SSH tool like "putty". Login with the user "root" and your password.


Once logged in you type


cd volumeUSB1/usbshare/boot/grub/

"volumeUSB1" could differ from your configuration. I use a USB-Stickt to boot with gnoboot.



vi menu_alpha.lst


This opens the file "menu_alpha.lst" with the vi editor. Within the editor you put the cursor where you want to edit, then press "i", wow you are in "edit-mode". Make your changes and afterwards press "Esc" to quit "edit-mode". After this type ":wq" which will write the changes to the file and quit the editor. Done! Not sure if you need to reboot after the changes, I did...


BTW @quantum: You are my personal hero of the week! Could you share some light on the issue why "sn=B3JN00001" is needed?



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  • 1 month later...
This problom is easy to be solved.

You should find the file(menu_alpha.lst in gnoboot-alpha10.3-vfat.img).

And you should change it as followw.


------- menu_alpha.lst----------

timeout 5

default 0

fallback 1


title gnoboot-alpha

root (hd0,0)

kernel /zImage sn=B3JN00001 <= changed!!


title main menu

configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst


DS audio wil be working!!



YOU ARE A GOD. Thank you very much for this fix. it worked like a charm.



Unable to edit menu_alpha.lst as it is read only file! How do we get around of this

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