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virtualbox install problem


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Hello, I wanted to use the installation through virtual box. I've set up a virtual machine.

I followed the instructions here on the forum. The picture shows the problem.

Use the current VB and Synology Assistant.

Thank you for your help


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I used this help.http://www.robvanhamersveld.nl/2013/01/21/install-and-test-synology-dsm-in-a-virtual-machine/ ....the 'MAC Address' to 00113208D62A, this is necessary ....


Can you please advise what mac adress usage?


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I also used this tutorial. But he is wrong in asking to use 00113208D62A. You must use the MAC address that Synology Assistant displays when it discovers you NAS for installation.

Found the solution within the comments at the end of this page:

http://www.sky-future.net/2013/05/tuto- ... irtualbox/


Sorry, it is in French. But change MAC addr and you will see.

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