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So I have a Xpe VM 7.1.1 under proxmox, with 8 drives connected to a passthrough HBA card. (Ignore Drive 2) However when I check the drives at Storage Manager... only 6 detected Initially it asked me to import the storage pool from an earlier DSM6.x setup. So I clicked repair, and seems like all 8 drives are "repaired" but then it says 1 drive is insufficient, even if all are in the pool? I'm tempted to add one more drive, but I need to solve this first. Help? edit: just to clarify, all 8 drives are in the storage pool in the previous DSM VM.
Немножко переделал под себя скрипт из этой темы, вместо загрузчика ARPL использовал ARC LOADER. #установить unzip apt-get install unzip -y # назначить vm id и адрес загрузчика, где vm=(ваш желаемый id), url=(адрес ссылки на актуальную версию загрузчика) vm=100 url= # загрузить & распоковать wget ${url} -O unzip -qo # создать vm, где --name (желаемое имя ВМ), --cores (кол-во ядер ЦП), --memory (кол-во MB оперативки) qm create ${vm} \ --name Synology --ostype l26 --machine q35 \ --cores 12 --memory 8192 --numa 0 --sockets 1 \ --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0\ --boot order=sata0 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci \ --sata0 local-zfs:0,import-from=/root/arc.img,cache=writeback # удалить мусор rm arc.img # запустить vm qm start ${vm} # loader web interface # http://ip:7681/ # NAS web interface # http://ip:5000/ # прокинуть диски в виртуальную машину # lsblk # qm set 100 -sata2 /dev/sdc # qm set 100 -sata3 /dev/sdd # Репозиторий сообщества # # Я не пробрасывал диски в ВМ, а пробросил сразу PCI-E контроллер ASM 1166 c 4 HDD и 2 SDD, это обеспечило прямой доступ к дискам и работу SMART, IOPS выше чем Virtio SCSI.
A little help for everyone who struggles a little bit with enabling the serial console in ESXi. This manual works 1:1: in short: # at ESXi: open Firewall for serial Console # at VM: add Serial Port 1 - Use Network - Connect at Power - Direction: Server - Port URI: telnet://:8601 In PuTTY the connection will be made as: Type: Telnet Hostname: IP-of-your-ESXi-Host Port: The-port-you-entered-in-the-config-of-the-VM (e.g. 8601) With this you have at every time contact to the Xpenology-VM-Console even a driver wont be load with a upgrade (like in Loader 1.02a).
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Hi, did anybody manage to start a VM from the Synology Virtual Machine Manager? Im on Junes 1.02b @DSM 6.1.3-15152 Update 4. Tried it with an N54L and an intel xeon custom build (bare metal). On both maschines, i couldnt start any created VM. On N54L the message is not enough memory (have 8GB installed) on the Xeon build it only says that starting the VM failed. Would be soooo awesome to get this work. Any information about that would be apriciated TIA, the Wurst
Hello everyone. Brand new on this forum and on playing with esxi. I set up jun's loader and get two DSM 6.1 running. Why two? I have a raid volume ( hardware, lsi) and want to secure there my pictures. Regarding music and films , I dont care much loosing it , so a simple volume would be ok. Not finding to do it with 1 DSM, I thought installing two, one with RAID volume and the other , the basic one. The problem is that I see on the net the first one installed, and the second one ( installed with OVF) doesnot show up . The MAC address for both is the same. I tried to enter a manual Mac one, but DSM replies error due to mac address being protected ( dont recall the specific message). What could I do? Would there be an alternative by using only one DSM; and the Hardware RAID? Thank you for any help or ideas. Phil
Dear all, I was installing mine Xpenology with manuals and files from pigr8 All went fine, until 1st reboot. Afer reboot i lost RAID group and Volume. When Xpenology boot without RAID group and Volume, i can easybuild RAID group again and create Volume and it will work again untill 1st reboot (normaly if there were any data, all is lost). The RAID group and Volume creatad on VMware virtual disk won't diapear after restart: Hard disk 1: 8GB Thin provisioned SCSI controller 0, SCSI (0:0) Dependent Hard disk 3: 3TB Thick provisioned, lazly zeroed SCSI controller 0, SCSI (0:1) Independent - persistant Hard disk 4: 3TB Thick provisioned, lazly zeroed SCSI controller 0, SCSI (0:2) Independent - persistant System: HP N54L, 16GB RAM, 250GB HDD + 2x 3TB HDD in RAW mode mounted in RDM loader: 1.02b DS3615xs, DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update1 Hope nayone will have idea how to solve that, as i was searching forum and wasn't able to find solution how to solve. Thank you! Alex_G
Greetings everyone... I was just hoping someone might know where I can find Jun's most up-to-date loader files (1.02b is the most current at the time of writing) for VMWare Workstation. I am currently using 1.02a, and I'm concerned about doing the current DSM update while not having the freshest of loader files. Unfortunately, all I can find are iso and img files, which aren't used for Workstation. Any one have a link or something that they could share, that way I can safely update my rig? Thanks in advance! Tom
Hi, - I have a DVB-Sat-Card in my System - Until yet i have used ESXI on my System and 2 VMs 1. XPEnology 2. VDR Server - With latest DSM we have a QEMU based VM inside the Synology My Idea is Stopping my ESXI Project and Using XPEnology as Baremetal with the Buildin Synology VM The project stops on the point that Synology has not enabled Passthrough. But based on the knowledge they use QEMU / libvirt it should be possible to mod the VM config files Has Anybody tried to modify the Settings of GUI generated virtual machines with modding the config files on file Base? i have checked for IOMMU working or not (yes it works): dmesg | grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU Running Service: /var/packages/Virtualization/target/usr/local/bin/libvirtd -d --listen --config /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name fabf0876-7580-............................ so checked on console : qemu-system-x86_64 --h anybody knows where the config parameters are stored and how to modify / expand it? Best Regards Synologix
Hi everyone I am a little bit lost reading all forums and tutorials, where people which take some assumptions for granted don't bother to explain the basics. So first let me explain where I am right now and where I've come from. First I was considering buying the NAS device from the shop. #SYNOLOGY At first, I was considering buying Synology NAS. What I liked about it was the simplicity of DSM, the flexibility of SHR, the idea of private cloud available from everywhere and mobile apps to support it. I was considering buying 4+ bay NAS as using anything less seems like a huge sacrifice in terms of the amount of drives used for redundancy comparing to amount of drives available for use. What I didn't like was the price tag on those multibay devices, fact that to utilise the power of multiple HDs connected to RAID you would have to use 2-4 wired aggregated network connections which would require further investments in the special network switch and infrastructure, special card to PC and the whole multi-wire absurd all over the place. So this is when I started to consider another brand. #QNAP I liked that especially for the idea of adding DAS functionality on top of similar NAS functionality offered by Synology. Unfortunately, the USB solution provided in some "cheaper" devices is limited only to 100MB/s transfer so there is no improvement over the single 1Gb/s network connection. They offer also 10Gb/s network cards in higher spec models but that would also require a huge investment in the network card, not mentioning lack of connectivity on the laptop - Mac in particular which holds already Thunderbolt 2 port instead, the same as some QNAP models. This solution is really tempting as some people reported performance better than standard SSD reaching 1900MB/s read 900 MB/s write but the price tag on those models is not acceptable 2-3 thousands for an empty case. #unRAID Then I discovered this Linus video and I loved that idea from the beginning as it seems to solve the performance bottleneck problem as everything seats under the same hood and allow to put money where they are really needed - to buy better and bigger hard disks, maximise storage and horsepower of the machine, GPU, RAM, etc. So this is where I am right now, I've bought better hard disks 6 x 3TB HGST 7200 RPM and fresh new powerful gaming rig for less than cheapest QNAP with Thunderbolt adapter. I've followed the setup ... and this is where my doubts have shown up and I started to look for alternatives to unRAID and I started to consider XPE. And here is why? Unlike Linus on the youtube video, I've chosen new hardware setup based on AMD solution Ryzen + Vega GPU. The first problem is that Ryzen, unlike the Intel processor, doesn't allow you to have second video card yet even motherboard is equipt with HDMI output. It might be possible in the future when a new version of Ryzens would be released. I might have to put additional cheapest video card to solve that problem but my attempt to work with just one video card has failed so far even such option seems to be available. Posible poor performance symptoms. Right now I am waiting for the second day for the Parity-Sync to finish. It's been 2 days already and covered only 77% of space (2,3 TB out of 3TB in 1 day 18 hours and 18 minutes). It was promising at the beginning as the single drive was showing above 150MB/s read write speed and combined read speed from all 5 drives 750MB/s and predicted time to finish this process was just 4 hours. #XPE So I can see some people, like me right now, are considering to go the same way as me from unRAID to XPE but at the same time some other people considering to go opposite way So I do have doubts about performance, reliability, functionality to access the NAS from outside - as I understand Synology is trying to block some functionality so special hacks of network cards are required, the old website with some few months link in one of that post has gone already doesn't sound promising, etc, and so on. #VM On top of this, I do not quite understand virtualisation approach in here. I can understand that I can install XPE bootloader which would allow me to install DSM as the first OS, right? So like in Synology (and unRAID) I can create VM running lat's say Windows 10, right? but I've not seen anything like Linus video prepared with XPE yet so I'm not sure if this would be possible at all to setup this the same way as in case of unRAID as a gaming rig on top of XPE+DSM? And if yes would the performance be the same/similar like in case of unRAID? Now there seems to be another installation path possible to install XPE in VM. So this would be running on Windows already, right? So this would be XPE+DSM running on top native Windows OS. But is it possible to utilise all functionality and performance of NAS native system in this case? Windows would have to be running all the time to keep server availability, I'm not sure about how the performance of each drive would be affected and I would have to leave one just to run Windows instead of having full space of array available for virtualized Windows. I wasn't sure but it seems like XPE also doesn't require any RAID hardware - the same like unRAID, right? I had some doubts as AMD motherboards supports only RAID 1, 0, and 10 as I remember where I would like to go with 5 or 6 or SHR equivalent if possible. Any comments and answers would be appretiated, especially around virtualisation subject.