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Found 2 results

  1. #Prerequisites for installation + Download DSM_DS1513+_42962.pat from Synology Download Center + 1x NAS DS412+ with DSM-6.2.4 + 1x HDD/SSD ( SSD ist just faster ) #Upgrade DSM-6.2.4 to DSM-7.1.1 Update1 1. Connect one HDD/SSD to DS412+ NAS with DSM-6.2.4 2. Boot DS412+ NAS mit DSM-6.2.4 and access it via browser <NAS-IP> 3. At Welcome page just click "Setup" 4. Click "Manual installation" 5. Selected the downloaded DSM_DS1513+_42962.pat and click "Install now" 6. Check that data will be erased on the HDD/SDD 7. Wait until it failes and you will get a message that you need to upload the DSM for 412+ ( this is normal ) 8. Open Putty and telnet to the <NAS-IP> on port 23 9. Diskstation login: root / Passwort: 101-0101 10. Edit the file /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf with vi ( to add just press 'a' and you can start adding text ) ( to get out of adding mode, just press ESC ) vi /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf 11. Search the keys 'unique' and 'upnpmodelname' and replace the '412' with '1513' from to unique="synology_cedarview_412+" upnpmodelname="DS412+" unique="synology_cedarview_1513+" upnpmodelname="DS1513+" 12. Save and close editor with the following key strokes: ESC then type :wq and hit ENTER 13. Return to the screen where it failed to install the DSM and just hit "Install now" 14. Accept that you want to delete the HDD/SSD 15. The system will ask you now to "Migrate" to DS1513+, just hit "Migrate" 16. Select "Neu installation" 17. Select "Manual installation" 18. Select the same DSM_DS1513+_42962.pat and click "Install now" 20. DiskStation will install the new DSM and after install you will see 'Welcome to DSM 7.1' ( just complete the setup as you want ) #Upgrade DSM-7.1.1 Update1 to 7.1.1 Update 6 via Dashboard 1. Select Control Panel 2. Go to "Update & Restore" 3. It will show you that a new Update is available 4. Just click "Download" and wait until it finishes 5. Now click "Update now" and hit "Yes" ( it will take less then 1-2min with an SSD ) 6. After the restart you have the 7.1.1-42962 Update 6 #General information The 412+ and 1513+ have the same architecture, that is why it works so well. The only difference is that you will see 5 HDD/SSD instead of 4. This is absolutely not a problem at all PS: PDF with images will be uploaded
  2. Hi all, It is possible to get the DS412+ to boot from an external USB drive, I have done this successfully with an A-DATA C802. Normally the NAS will not boot any old USB you connect to it, regardless of whether the drive is in the front USB port or the back. It turns out the BIOS is locked to only boot a certain VID/PID (F400 for both) so even if you clone the internal USB to an external drive it will not boot. This has been a problem for me.. until now! Attached is a ChipGenius dump of the original onboard controller showing VID/PID, device vendor, device name, manufacturer, product model and device revision. This is obtained by connecting the DS412+ onboard flash to a PC using the pinout in my other post. (synology-orig-flash.png) Also attached is a dump of the original A-DATA C802 (a-data-c802-orig.png) And finally, the modified A-DATA C802 (c802-modded.png) - the DS412+ will happily boot from this with a dd'd clone of the original flash. Happily, the size of this disk is 4G, much larger than the original internal flash (128mb), so now I can work on putting a whole Debian install on the USB drive and have the DS boot it. Also attached is a tool that allows you to change USBest UT165 vendor/etc details (hwupgv1010v3.rar). I wouldn't try it on other USB sticks, verify you have a USBest UT165 with ChipGenius before proceeding. Happy hacking... hwupgv1010v3.rar
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