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Found 12 results

  1. HI Im a new member but spent many many hours/days setting up/configuring and using DSM as a VM on Proxmox host. Now I' working on the best strategy for Backing up my DSM vm to protect against a system failure, be it Proxmox failure or a DSM unrecoverable problem. I have searched this forum and the web for best solutions and am posting this to ask for guidance. Thanks in advance! System: Minisforum m-01 i9 Proxmox 8.3.3 DSM 7.2 via ARC installer I have Proxmox Backup Server installed and backing up all other VMs. It will not BU my DSM vm. Ive also tried direct BU via Proxmox PVE to its dedicated storage or an external drive. Again, trying to BU the DSM vm fails. Has anyone found a way to backup the DSM vm via Proxmox or its Backup server? if not, is there a known reason this doesnt work? Does Synology ABB and/or Hyperbackup work to BU the full DSM if I create a 2nd DSM VM to receive the backup? If not, is there a known reason? Would a good option be to make a disk image of the Proxmox (with DSM and other vms) nvme and use that image to restore everything? Should that work? If so, any suggestions for a user-friendly, hopefully GUI based, imaging tool for a Linux novice? I imagine this would be some "live CD/USB" to boot the hardware from? Other? Above are the solutions that come to mind, but likely others know the real best options?? Any help (again for a less experienced Linux user), would be really appreciated Thanks!!!
  2. I've got an HP 8300 running bare metal DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 3 using Jun's 1.03b loader with three disks in RAID 5. Constant uptime is less important than total storage space, which is why I'd like to change to RAID 0. I've decided that I don't need the redundancy since I have a weekly backup I make to a single USB drive using Hyperbackup and keep in a separate building. In the Hyperbackup task, I have selected every shared folder, application and service I can for backup. I've also backed up the configuration file via the Control Panel. Is the best way to do this to Erase and Restore in the Control Panel, then I would assume the discovery wizard would prompt me to go through the Synology setup wizard, choose RAID 0, import my .dss config file and import my backup via Hyperbackup? Before I obliterate the existing server, I want to have a solid plan in place. Thanks!
  3. HI sorry another noob question When my drives crashed I managed to back up some data from my NAS to an external USB by mapping the NAS drives to my win pc and copying over etc I want to reverse the proces, so I have a virgin NS drive, have mapped the folders onto the pc Is the simplest way to just copy and paste on the PC from the external USB to the mapped drives? I normally use SYnctoy when eveything is all set up to keep things..ummm...sync'd It is a fair chunk of data with home movies and the family photo archive (around 2TB) so I want to set it up overnight and leave it to ie Thanks for the advice
  4. Salut, Au lancement de l'application on demande une activation, c'est faisable ça ? on peut l'utiliser ou pas ? J'ai vu qu'il y avait une page d'activation hors ligne mais c'est en chinois
  5. I currently have two Xpenology boxes on separate vlans. One is on vlan 10 and the other is on vlan 20. I can access both from my pc on either Vlan. I want to back up from one NAS to the other. When I click on the server in Hyperbackup, it does not display the NAS on the other Vlan. I use pfSense as my router and Unifi as my switch. How do I expose the NAS' to each other to create backups? Thanks in advance for your help! ~Anthony
  6. Long story short, I haven't updated my DSM in years! Wasn't facing outside my network, and it worked and the I didn't know how to update. Now I won't be able to update my plex (thumbnails will disappear from new shows that are imported) unless I have an upgraded version of the DSM so hence why I am here Can someone help or advise what I need to do? Can I update or would it be easier to create a new USB stick to boot from? How would I move my plex / app configs? Running: DSM 5.0-4458 Update 2 ( APR 2014 release) 4 x 3TB WD Red HP N54L Microserver Boot from USB. Thanks in advance kind people.
  7. Hallo kennt jemand eine gute Backup Software mit denen ich für diese Geräte ein Backup ziehen kann? Windows 10 PC, Android Handy, Iphones, und das wichtigste meine Raspberry Pis Mir würde ja Acronis gefallen aber da kann man ja nur Telefone sichern 😕 Meine DSM Version: DSM 6.2-23739 Hoffe Ihr wisst etwas LG
  8. Hello, I need cloud station server package(spk file) for use to Synology Cloud Station Backup. I not fount to internet. Please help me. and what is a password this site to package page? http://xpenology.me/surveillance-station/ Thanks for support.
  9. Уважаемые пользователи, подскажи самый простой и удобной путь для резервного копирования почты с бесплатных gmail, mail и т.д. Только ставить mail station или есть другой путь?
  10. Hi all, I'm an happy xpenology user (DELL T20) and till now I used to backup mu xpenology using a external 1tb hdd. I noticed that sometimes it works and sometimes it don't work (without an apparent reason) so I'm looking for a different solution. I've googled around but found nothing good enough for a lazy man like me. Do you know if exist an external hdd dock station that can allow schedules for power on/off so I can schedule backup and then switch off hdd automatically? Or If my idea is too mad can you suggest me your best practices? Thank you in advance!
  11. Morning all Just getting round to trying to sort out some backups for my LUNs.. I chose Block Level LUNs (for VSphere), which means that my LUNs are not considered 'Advanced LUNs' by Synology.. Great.. Anyway, just wondered what the best way to back these up would be. I'm currently running Hyper Backup to back up one of the LUNs and it looks like would change the volume to 'file level' if it was restored. Again, great (not). I'm wondering if there's a way to do the following.. - any way to easily snapshot or backup the LUNs so that it doesn't change the disks when I restore them.. - view the data on the block level LUNs from the synology box. - backup the LUN to the same synology box (shared folder) or backup/restore the lun to another LUN (changing the LUN type to Advanced). Many thanks H
  12. Hi All, First off thanks for all who are helping make the xpenology available. Great work. I'm a bit cautious about upgrading so I have decided to work with two xpen boxes. I have one that is at 5.2 and rather than risk it becoming corrupted with an upgrade I have a second 6.1 xpen box. I have assumed it is easy to mirror or replicate data from one to the other and this is the way I was expecting to safely move to a newer version. Any recommendations of which apps or how this can be accomplished? Hoping someone has good insight into this. If no answers appear in the next few days I will start experimenting and see what happens. Once the 6.1 has the data safely loaded I will experiment with upgrade the 5.2.
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