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  1. Drivers, docker prereqs, and custom ffmpeg build here: https://gofile.io/d/YdZsbz
  2. I'll try to write up some steps in a post when I have a chance. I'm not super confident that I have all the prerequisites listed out above as I also have Entware installed with some additional libraries - so if there is someone with a Nvidia card that wants to try out docker support it might be helpful in getting a complete/accurate guide. And btw, I have now tested with Jellyfin with hardware encoding and handbrake-nvenc (only works up to version 1.3 due to the older driver) and both are working in docker. Yeah, you can go ahead an redistribute if they go offline - I'll also try to fork the github projects I modified to get to the working builds of ffmpeg and libnvidia-container. I would imagine it should also be possible to package the docker addons as an spk - just haven't had a chance to look into it yet.
  3. Have got cuda in docker working (at least nvidia-smi with the sample container: sudo docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.2-runtime nvidia-smi) Required files here: https://gofile.io/d/zYTBCP /usr/bin/nvidia-container-toolkit (v 1.5.1 from ubuntu 16.04 build) /usr/bin/nvidia-container-cli (custom build with syscall security removed) also need symlink (ln -s /usr/bin/nvidia-container-toolkit /usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime-hook) /lib/libseccomp.so.2.5.1 (from ubuntu 16.04 - also ln -s /lib/libseccomp.so.2.5.1 /lib/libseccomp.so.2) /lib/libnvidia-container.so.1.5.1 (from same custom build - also ln -s /lib/libnvidia-container.so.1.5.1 /lib/libnvidia-container.so.1) ldconfig - copied to /opt/bin/ from ubuntu installation (version in entware/optware didn't work) /etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml (need to update file to point to local ldconfig and nvidia drive paths)
  4. Got 440.44 working as well - actually it works fine using the standard Nvidia installer. Just need to extract to a different directory than default. But for convenience it is here: https://gofile.io/d/L3tRlg Also created a custom build of ffmpeg using the SynoCommunity repo (https://github.com/SynoCommunity/spksrc) which adds nvenc support. This allows me to run the portable version of Jellyfin (after installing dotnet runtime) with nvenc encoding enabled (just need to install the ffmpeg spk and point Jellyfin to "/var/packages/ffmpeg/target/bin/ffmpeg" as the ffmpeg path). This build can be found here: https://gofile.io/d/iIKZaH. I had initially tried the ffmpeg build included in Surveillance Station, and while it has nvenc support and works for some basic encoding tasks it seems that the version is too old for some of the features used by Jellyfin. Now just hoping to get docker working somehow with nvidia support.
  5. I case anyone might need it, I was able to build 381.22 for 3615 here: https://gofile.io/d/Y7zXby
  6. Does anyone have the drivers package from 3615 - it looks like there were two versions posted, but both links are down. I have tried with the 1618 package but I get error like this: insmod: ERROR: could not insert module nvidia.ko: Package not installed Thank you!
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