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shibby last won the day on December 13 2024

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  1. my proxmox setup draws ~30W and i`m very happy with it. Whole setup from the signature, including the router, 3 switches, 2 AP and UPS draws 65W.
  2. it should detect old DSM instalation and offer an migration without lost you data.
  3. There is no drivers for iGPU included into this firmware. IMO at this moment the best option is SA6400.
  4. It depends which way you choose: Baremetal or Virtualization (ex. Proxmox). Under DSM (VMM) you have a free licence for only 1 VM. Under Proxmox there is no limitation. So my sugestion is Install Proxmox and run DSM as VM and passthrough all drives to VM. Also Proxmox have much better compatibility of hardware then DSM itself.
  5. i can confirm that SA6400 in USB Mode under Proxmox works flawlessly.
  6. @Depechie Your current bootloader image is attached as sata0, right? So detach it, download new version of arc loader, attach as sata0 (qm set ....), run VM, prepare new bootloader (select model, version etc) - all those steps are the same as a fresh install. After that open web browser, connect to you NAS IP. Wizard will detect DSM installed on drives and allow you to "migrate" without losing you data.
  7. the easiest way is install this package before QEMU package
  8. IMO something is wrong with HDD configuration mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdae1. no MD_UUID found for /dev/sdae1; try next... Assemble args: /dev/sdae1 mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sdae1 mdadm: /dev/sdae1 has no superblock - assembly aborted Exit on error [12] No raid status in path /sys/block/md0/md/array_state, go to junior mode.. your disk is detected as the last available disk - ata31 (sdae1).. why is not ata1? if I were you, I would look for the problem here. I never used vmware so i cannot help you with configuration.
  9. you ask me? idk... I mostly works with HW raid. I never mix different drive size in array.
  10. @Cyberflow You can add serial port to VM and check logs.
  11. it doesn`t. With SHR he can change drives to bigger in the future and volume will be expand automatically. With Raid1 he cannot do this. He will be able only to create another volume from free space. "up to half" is the key, for example raid10 with 10 drives means up to 5 drives can fail and storage will be still operative. BUT... if 2 drives will fail from the same span, then all storage is broken. With raid6 or SHR-2 ANY 2 drives can fail. The conversation about what level of raid to use is a very individual matter and depends on many factors: how many drives we have, how many space we want to spare for redudancy and what datas we will save on this storage (production and company datas or a little homeserver). In company i will be never use RAID5/6/SHR but in home... why not. This is why RAID is not a Backup
  12. just burn Arc Loader on new USB drive and run it. It will create loader for latest DSM version and will guide you to make migration without lot your data
  13. this is sad. I dont see any trash to remove to free more space 😕 I didnt tested it on DS918+ because a i`m on SA6400 but if you install a fresh DSM 7.2 then root partition will be 8GB instead of 2,4GB... It may be the only one solution on your problem 😕 But it must be a fresh instalation of DSM - not a migration. If your first DSM was 6.x and then you updated to 7.x then root partition will be not expand and stay on 2.4GB. Backup your data, install fresh DSM7.2 and restore data... you can read also this thread
  14. yes, you will be able to migrate to raid1 or SHR (with 2 drives it will work the same as raid1)
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