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Everything posted by vhyvenom

  1. Stay out of this thread with unrelated questions. Ask your generic Xen questions here: http://www.xenproject.org/help/question ... swers.html
  2. Issue: Identify Hypervisor properly during boot (currently GNOboot/Nanoboot seem to think XenServer is HyperV) - see this post by billytheczeh The following 'fixes' this: On XE host run (get UUID by using 'xe vm-list'): xe vm-param-set uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx platform:viridian=false And now when booting the when booting the 'virt-what' sequence reports: HOWEVER this then breaks network connectivity (e1000 or realtek). It appears the the e1000 module is not loaded when Xen is detected? To rollback change: xe vm-param-set uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx platform:viridian=true
  3. XenServer: Enable Passthrough of PCI device XenServer: Enable 'e1000' NICs based on NIC MAC Address
  4. XenServer: Autostart VMs [spoiler=][u]Unlock functionality on the Pool Level[/u] 1. Get Pool List: xe pool-list 2. Unlock Autostart on specific pool: xe pool-param-set uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx other-config:auto_poweron=true Enable for VM 1. Get list of VMs: xe vm-list 2. Enable for specific VM: xe vm-param-set uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx other-config:auto_poweron=true Source: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX133910
  5. Update to DSM-4493 Update 3 (latest as of writing) [spoiler=][b]1.[/b] Obtain Update Package (http://www.xpenology.nl/xpenology-software/) - NOTE: Havent tried but I think you could use the built in downloader and after it downloads run step 4 and try it but not sure. 2. Go to the DSM Interface -> Control Panel -> Update and Restore -> "DSM Update manually" ---> Point to a file downloaded and click OK. File uploads. 3. DO NOT CLICK YES after uploading, yet. 4. SSH in DSM as root and run following commands (or use Task Scheduler from the GUI) Command 1 (notice no spacing between s/flash/flash): sed 's/flashupdateDeb/flashupdateDeb1/' /autoupd@te.info > /autoupd@te.info1 Command 2: mv /autoupd@te.info1 /autoupd@te.info 5. Click "Yes" to Update now. 6. Update should install and DSM will reboot. You should be set. Common Errors Encountered: [spoiler=] You are probably NOT logged in as root in SSH or the scheduled command is not running as root. The commands in step 4 did not run successfully (try from SSH if doing from Task Scheduler to see errors). In Command 1 you have more spaces than required screwing up the command - for some reason most posts elsewhere show Command 1 as [sed 's / flashupdateDeb / flashupdateDeb1 /' /autoupd@te.info> /autoupd@te.info1] - there is too many spaces in the first part between s/flashupdateDeb/flashupdateDeb1.
  6. Setup XenServer to enable Passthrough: [spoiler=][b]Get[/b] DeviceID of device to passthrough: lspci | more Hide DeviceID from XenServer at boot: 1. Use text editor to add boot flag so it hides the device when XenServer boots: nano /boot/extlinux.conf Under the Xe entry - Add pciback.hide=(deviceID) after ''splash" but before the "---" - notice where its bolded below: 2. Update XenServer boot. extlinux -i /boot 3. Reboot the XenServer. reboot Assign PCI device to VM: [spoiler=][b]Get UUID of VM:[/b] xe vm-list Add passthrough PCI device to VM: xe vm-param-set other-config:pci=0/0000:???.? uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Remove PCI passthrough entry from VM: xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=pci uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx List of PCI passthrough entries in VM: xe vm-param-get param-name=other-config uuid=xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Credit: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index. ... #msg275912
  7. Good news. Located workaround to allow Nanoboot (4493) to be able to work on XenServer 6.2 SP1. Adding to main post shortly. Xen Patch Description: Enables 'e1000' NICs based on NIC MAC Address [spoiler=]Patch for XenServer 6.2 to allow Intel e1000 NIC emulation instead of the the Realtek 8139 NIC emulation used by XenServer by default. Patch: http://www.ualberta.ca/~jpm1/xenserver/ ... 1000.patch (included here in the end in case file goes down) To apply this patch you'll need to copy it to your server (e.g. via scp) and back up your current /opt/xensource/libexec/qemu-dm-wrapper like so: cp /opt/xensource/libexec/qemu-dm-wrapper ~/qemu-dm-wrapper.original Then patch your qemu-dm-wrapper: patch /opt/xensource/libexec/qemu-dm-wrapper < qemu-dm-wrapper-e1000.patch All Done. If that goes smoothly you can create a new VM and have the MAC address of your NIC(s) start with 00:11:11 and they will automagically get assigned e1000 NICs instead! qemu-dm-wrapper-e1000.patch (for reference) 99a100,104 > > for i in range(len(qemu_args)): > if qemu_args[i].find('macaddr=00:11:11:') > 0: > qemu_args[i] = qemu_args[i].replace('rtl8139', 'e1000') > Credit: http://www.ualberta.ca/~jpm1/xenserver/readme.txt John McGuigan - jpm1@ualberta.ca -v
  8. XenServer: Powershell Script to install Updates [spoiler=][u]XenUpdate.ps1[/u] $server = "NameofXenServerorIP" # <---Modify this to suit your needs $updatepath = "\\NetworkShare\Share1\XenUpdates\Stage 1" # <---Modify this to suit your needs $SecureString = read-host “Enter root-password” -asSecureString $password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString)) foreach ($update in Get-ChildItem $updatepath) { $UpdateName = $update.basename Write-Host "Uploading $UpdateName" -Fore White . 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe' patch-upload -s $server -u root -pw $password file-name=$updatepath\$update | out-file $server"_uuid.txt" $uuid_patch = get-content .\$server"_uuid.txt" If ($uuid_patch -like "exists") { $uuid_patch = $uuid_patch.split()[-1] Write-Host "$UpdateName had been uploaded in the past, will attempt to install again" -Fore Yellow Write-Host "--- UUID obtained: $uuid_patch" -Fore White } else { Write-Host "--- UUID obtained: $uuid_patch" -Fore White } Write-Host "Attempting to patch XenServer $server with $UpdateName ...." -Fore White . 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe' -s $server -u root -pw $password patch-pool-apply uuid=$uuid_patch #Write-Host "--- Checking if $UpdateName applied successfully to $server" -Fore White #. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\XenCenter\xe.exe' -s $server -u root -pw $password patch-list name-label=$UpdateName "" } Note: The "Stage 1" folder is what I used for things like installing XenServer 6.2 SP1 first. Then I rebooted the box and ran "Stage 2" folder which had all the other updates (including the post SP1 updates). Rebooted after that. Works decently enough it seems. -v
  9. Hello, This is a thread about the best/solid way to run XPenology/DSM on XenServer. Multiple methods will used/attempted as time goes on, depending on which one works best. There are multiple threads about this version or that tool - the idea for this thread/post is to keep an eye on the best ways for DSM on XenServer - hopefully staying up to date. XenServer Tips/Scripts Wishlist: - Identify Hypervisor properly during boot (currently GNOboot/Nanoboot seem to think XenServer is HyperV) - See Post 5 - Fix Paravirtualization Support? - It appears GNOboot 10.4 Xen Tools worked, but GNOboot 10.5 has a known issue with this. - Drivers for XenServer paravirtualization - ie XenTools - Help? (this should be easyish to include? Xen tools available for tremendous amount of platform) Status Today: --- Nanoboot --- - Able to run stably DSM 5.0-4493 (latest as of writing) using Nanoboot - no major issues noted yet. Requires small but useful patch to XenServer. --- GNOBoot --- - Able to run DSM 5.0-4493 (latest as of writing) using GNOBoot 10.5 (designed for older 4458). However substantial issues exist. Not yet recommended. - Able to run stably DSM 5.0-4458 using GNOBoot 10.5 - no major issues noted yet. Recommended: Nanoboot and DSM 5.0-4493 + Update 3 | Loads and seems to be stable [spoiler=][b]Requires:[/b] XenServer Patch - See Post 2 VM Config: >> ISO to boot (Nano-Boot DSM 5.0-4493 X64 from the http://xpenology.nl site) >> NIC MAC Address begins with 00:11:11 - use online MAC address tool to generate the rest >> 5GB disk (5GB is smallest disk size allowed) >> 4GB RAM >> 8 vCPUs (only 2 "cores" are reported cosmetically) Steps to Repro: 1. Create a VM in XenServer - modify config to match - If VM is created, delete and recreate again. Make sure you have the XenServer patch applied and a proper NIC MAC address. 2. Start the VM 3. Choose the Install/Upgrade option (second one for me). VM boots Nanoboot in "install/debug" mode. 4. Find your DSM IP (whether through the Find Synology Assistant or alternate means like device listing in router). Visit that IP. 5. Use pat file for DSM 5.0-4493 (DS3612xs model). Uncheck the "Create SHR volume blah blah" if checkbox exists. DSM successfully installs and reboots the VM. 6. You should be able to login into DSM and confirm version 5.0-4493 is installed. 7. See Post 3 on how to update to 4493 Update 3 (latest as of writing) GNOBoot Alternate 1 - GNOboot 10.5 and DSM 5.0-4493 | Loads but has blocking issues [spoiler=][b]VM Config:[/b] >> ISO to boot (gnoboot_105_xpenology_5.0-4458_bootloader_X64_by_Poechi.iso from the http://xpenology.nl site) >> 5GB disk (5GB is smallest disk size allowed) >> 4GB RAM >> 8 vCPUs Issues Encountered: -- On reboot, MAC address changes (causing new IP) -- On boot system reports "Abnormality detected on DiskStation. All volumes have been unmounted". -- Post install performance was noticeably slower. Steps to Repro: 1. Create a VM in XenServer - modify config to match - If VM is created, delete HDD and create new 10GB disk. 2. Start the VM 3. Choose the second option, PRESS TAB, and modify ending line to 4493. VM boots GNOboot in "install/debug" mode. 4. Find your DSM IP (whether through the Find Synology Assistant or alternate means like device listing in router). Visit that IP. 5. Use pat file for DSM 5.0-4493 (DS3612xs model). Uncheck the "Create SHR volume blah blah" if checkbox exists. DSM successfully installs and reboots the VM 6. After reboot the MAC address has changed and the machine IP has changed. Find your DSM IP (whether through the Find Synology Assistant or alternate means like device listing in router). Visit that IP. 7. You should be able to login into DSM and confirm version 5.0-4493 is installed GNOBoot Alternate 2 - GNOboot 10.5 and DSM 5.0-4458 | Loads and seems to be stable, version 5.0-4458 is bit behind current releases [spoiler=][b]VM Config:[/b] >> ISO to boot (gnoboot_105_xpenology_5.0-4458_bootloader_X64_by_Poechi.iso from the http://xpenology.nl site) >> 5GB disk (5GB is smallest disk size allowed) >> 4GB RAM >> 8 vCPUs Issues Encountered: -- Single core reported in Control Panel (in other words - just the clock speed shown, no core count shown) Steps to Repro: 1. Create a VM in XenServer - modify config to match - If VM is created, delete HDD and create new 10GB disk. 2. Start the VM 3. Choose the second option. VM boots GNOboot in "install/debug" mode. 4. Find your DSM IP (whether through the Find Synology Assistant or alternate means like device listing in router). Visit that IP. 5. Use pat file for DSM 5.0-4458 (DS3612xs model). Uncheck the "Create SHR volume blah blah" if checkbox exists. DSM successfully installs and reboots the VM. 6. You should be able to login into DSM and confirm version 5.0-4458 is installed -v
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