My grub.cfg file is configured correctly with all the hardware NIC's mapped to their MAC addresses, and set netif_num=4. The other two interfaces would only come up manually issuing a command in terminal originally.
I got my other interfaces up by setting maxlanport="2" inside /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf, but now when the interfaces come up on boot, they get default addresses as if they can't find a DHCP: for example.
My router gives these 2 other ports proper IP's from the available pool: 192.168.1.x and I can ping these, but if I try using any of these interfaces they go nowhere for virtual machines for example. I also cannot manually change the IP structure to STATIC under DSM with a warning of 'IP address has been used.'
I have tried changing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx to match the settings to something like:
IPADDR=ip address
This did nothing.
I am running a A1SRi-2758F Atom board, and IMPI in a dedicated LAN mode separate from the NICs.
My question is how can I fix this annoying little issue?